
Author Topic: What have you bought lately?  (Read 292539 times)

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7860 on: June 23, 2017, 12:50:26 AM »
Jimmy Johns! Oh.... and um....

A book! Yeah... a very weird yet somewhat mostly interesting book.
Could you be more specific? Author and title maybe? Or is it classified?

I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7861 on: June 23, 2017, 05:18:53 AM »
Glass yeast.

I have become my mother. :wine:

  That's more than OK.  Your mother was a badass!  :arrr:
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7862 on: June 23, 2017, 07:33:40 AM »
A clothes washer and a clothes dryer.  To be delivered next week.

 :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:

What brand did you get???

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7863 on: June 23, 2017, 12:25:00 PM »
Very nice find on that computer IQ :)

I need to get some more of those wine carboys myself actually. I can't STAND wine, even the smell knocks me sick, but those things serve just fine for keeping my heavy metal-laden toxic wastes in. I need a fair few more though, because I keep the types of waste separate rather than dumping everything in the same containers, that way when enough of whatever is in the things builds up, its both easier, more practical and cheaper to do the recycling and reclamation of the metal contents. With a complex soup of all manner of nasty ass heavy metal trash it would have to be a multi-step more complicated process depending on the metals present in the waste, and thus make the refining more expensive. Things like mercury, lead, cadmium, manganese etc, and especially mercury and arsenic are too valuable to just ditch in the local toxic waste section at the town dump and so I make every effort to recover them, as I would uncommon elements like thallium, although I've never actually had a use for thallium, and it is, not to put too fine a point on it, fucking awful stuff.

 I want a sample for the element collection, but I'd be perfectly content to let it rest in a display case in a sealed vial under some inert gas and leave it there, since I don't have any chemistry use for it, and quite honestly I'd sooner not go anywhere near thallium-based organometallic chemistry, its a quick-fire way to dying horribly and slowly. Same for organomercury anything. I'll use Hg for some electrical purposes, and if I have nothing better, amalgam-based reducing agents although I bloody hate the likes of aluminium amalgam reductions, they are so messy, create so much ugly pain in the ass semi-solid highly toxic slop as wastes and the workup is a total shit. So its a last resort when all else fails or everything else potentially usable for the task is lacking from the stock in my store cupboards and shelving.

Keeping my metal wastes as individual element-based slops means I don't have to resort to complex multi-step refining processes and quite possibly spend more money doing it than I would save by recovering the metals.

Something nice arrived for me yesterday, although I'd bought it a fair while ago, ordered and paid for it that is. A piece of specialized glassware called a thiele tube, along with a big pack of fine glass capillary tubes for it (these are disposable, single-use items, got a 100-pack of those). Its used for allowing, due to the shape of the thiele tube, slow, uniform and steady heating of a sample of something, a solid, or potentially a frozen liquid and using a cryogen of some sort, allowing the latter slowly to boil off and the temperature to slowly rise, with the sample in a capillary tube fused shut at one end and strapped to a thermometer, the thiele tube is then slowly heated, after being filled with oil at the triangular side-arm, which attaches to top and bottom of the main body of it, heating it at a uniforn rate, slowly, and is then simply watched carefully and when the sample reaches its melting point, heated by the oil, it rises by capillary action within the sample tube, which is then disposed of (potentially breaking it open to recover any sample but in practice that would only be done for something that would be very expensive to make, difficult to obtain/make and valuable enough to make a few milligrams count since the capillary tubes  really don't need much in the way of quantity to do the MP determinations.

Cost, I forget but something in the region of 20-25, although if that was dollars or pounds I can't remember. Took its time to get here, since it came, IIRC, from china.

So is my new heating mantle I think, although the pair of magnetic stirrer/hotplates I grabbed as a set are being sent from the US. Those only cost me $40-something for the two, all in all a pretty damn good deal. Similar cost for shipping but all the same, thats probably fairly reasonable.

The 1 liter (mantles are made for a specific flask size) heating mantle/stirrer was quite a lot more expensive, although not terribly surprising, still, as long as its in good working order, as it should be, being new rather than used, but all the same I bought it anyway since I had that unexpected/unrealized money in my account and I've been wanting one for ages. Actually I want several, enough for all my different flask sizes and so I can heat multiple different flasks at the same time when needed, or set multiple ones to stir, that will take a while to get all the ones I am after though, buying 1 or 2 at a time since they aren't exactly cheap. Cheapest I've seen was a 100ml size for about $80-something. The 1l one was one of the things on my most-wanted list for lab equipment and has been for a long time. But its only now I finally had the money to spend on it.

Next on the list is going to have to be a new vacuum pump, a multi-port manifold for it and pressure gauges for each separate vacuum line on the latter for doing things at different pressure levels and then finally I can start saving up for an IR spectrophotometer, something like an FT-IR or raman scanner. Haven't quite decided yet. That and a  UV-Vis ultraviolet spectrometer. Will have to save up a good few hundred per machine though, and wait, watch and pick my moment for one to turn up on ebay second-hand at a price I can hope to afford. Will certainly assist a great deal in doing identification of byproducts, and identifying compounds, determining success/failure of reactions. Expensive and going to take a lot of saving, but they are at least within the kinds of price ranges I can hope to save to afford.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7864 on: June 23, 2017, 12:33:35 PM »
Bought a dehumidifier for the basement in the new place to help the painters get their job done more quickly.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7865 on: June 23, 2017, 02:00:12 PM »
Jimmy Johns! Oh.... and um....

A book! Yeah... a very weird yet somewhat mostly interesting book.
Could you be more specific? Author and title maybe? Or is it classified?


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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7866 on: June 23, 2017, 07:50:51 PM »
A clothes washer and a clothes dryer.  To be delivered next week.

 :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:

What brand did you get???

The old reliable - Maytag.  Gas dryer because it's cheaper to run here and less to go wrong with the parts.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7867 on: June 23, 2017, 08:45:20 PM »
A clothes washer and a clothes dryer.  To be delivered next week.

 :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:

What brand did you get???

The old reliable - Maytag.  Gas dryer because it's cheaper to run here and less to go wrong with the parts.

Hope you get a good one.

MIL & I both had lemons...don't think our results where typical though, give it a good workout, and remember most places like Lowes, Home Depot give you 30 days regardless if you're not happy.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7868 on: June 24, 2017, 07:41:39 AM »
A clothes washer and a clothes dryer.  To be delivered next week.

 :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:

What brand did you get???

The old reliable - Maytag.  Gas dryer because it's cheaper to run here and less to go wrong with the parts.

Hope you get a good one.

MIL & I both had lemons...don't think our results where typical though, give it a good workout, and remember most places like Lowes, Home Depot give you 30 days regardless if you're not happy.

I splurged and did something I don't usually do, bought the extended warranty for both.  At $100 each for 5 years it seemed reasonable since a service call starts in the neighborhood of $110.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7869 on: June 24, 2017, 12:04:29 PM »
It's useful to do the EQ more than once. I usually run a reel of test material I know intimately to get a sense of what the RTA isn't showing me.

And yet, it is never more than approaching adequate. You still hear things that make you want to jump out of your seat, if not your entire skin, to correct things once again.

This modern era of actual real time digital/figital analysis has gone a bit over the top, so to speak.
In all honesty, I had a hard time learning to let one instance of "not quite right" go.

Then you go from an empty house to one filled to the brim with screaming fans. Thank god I had time to do the ring out and set the problem frequencies to the notch filter as you turn it up and up and up to offset the crowd noise.

Rock and roll, baby!!

Time for "protective"  headphones.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7870 on: June 24, 2017, 12:08:28 PM »
A clothes washer and a clothes dryer.  To be delivered next week.

Big thing there!

Two major appliances at one time, Shit! Hope it works out for you. :thumbup:

Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7871 on: June 24, 2017, 12:11:24 PM »
No one ever hand washes my undies.  >:(

Nope. They go directly into an undefined bonfire of their own making.

NO really! No thanks necessary. Please, it was a pleasure.

Lyrical context:

The Muffin Man is seated at the table
In the laboratory of the Utility Muffin
Research Kitchen . . .
Reaching for an oversized chrome spoon
He gathers an intimate quantity of dried muffin remnants
And brushing his scapular aside
Proceeds to dump these inside of his shirt. . .
He turns to us and speaks:
"Some people like cupcakes better. I for one
Care less for them!"
Arrogantly twisting the sterile canvas snoot
of a fully charged icing anointment utensil
He pools forth a quarter-ounce green rosette (oh ah yuk yuk.
let's try that again . . .!)
He pools forth a quarter-ounce green rosette
Near the summit of a dense but radiant muffin
of his own design.
Later he says: "Some people . . . some people like cupcakes exclusively,
While I myself say there is naughl nor ought there be
Nothing so exalted on the faceof God's grey earth
As that prince of foods . . . The Muffin!"

Girl you thoughl he was a man
Bul he was a muffin
He hung around till you found
That he didn't know nuthin'
Girl you thought he was a man
But he only was a-puffin'
No cries is heard in the night
As a result of him stuffin'

No, seriously,  play it all the way through and you may come to experience a bit of this man's genius.
Now mind you, this track was created live before an audience.
Thank you, Mr. Zappa.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 12:39:10 PM by DirtDawg »
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7872 on: June 24, 2017, 12:17:41 PM »
A clothes washer and a clothes dryer.  To be delivered next week.

 :asthing: :asthing: :asthing:

What brand did you get???

The old reliable - Maytag.  Gas dryer because it's cheaper to run here and less to go wrong with the parts.

Hope you get a good one.

MIL & I both had lemons...don't think our results where typical though, give it a good workout, and remember most places like Lowes, Home Depot give you 30 days regardless if you're not happy.

I splurged and did something I don't usually do, bought the extended warranty for both.  At $100 each for 5 years it seemed reasonable since a service call starts in the neighborhood of $110.

You will most likely not regret that wisdom.
I always buy the extended warranty on appliances. We seem to go through dishwashers here (even with a Cullligan our water is so hard- full of alkalines - that nothing lasts very long.) and with the "Geek Squad Protection"  we have had six new dishwashers in twelve years for the price of just over four. But we almost always have a newish dishwasher

Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7873 on: June 24, 2017, 12:46:49 PM »

Lyrical context:

The Muffin Man is seated at the table
In the laboratory of the Utility Muffin
Research Kitchen . . .
Reaching for an oversized chrome spoon
He gathers an intimate quantity of dried muffin remnants
And brushing his scapular aside
Proceeds to dump these inside of his shirt. . .
He turns to us and speaks:
"Some people like cupcakes better. I for one
Care less for them!"
Arrogantly twisting the sterile canvas snoot
of a fully charged icing anointment utensil
He pools forth a quarter-ounce green rosette (oh ah yuk yuk.
let's try that again . . .!)
He pools forth a quarter-ounce green rosette
Near the summit of a dense but radiant muffin
of his own design.
Later he says: "Some people . . . some people like cupcakes exclusively,
While I myself say there is naughl nor ought there be
Nothing so exalted on the faceof God's grey earth
As that prince of foods . . . The Muffin!"

Girl you thoughl he was a man
Bul he was a muffin
He hung around till you found
That he didn't know nuthin'
Girl you thought he was a man
But he only was a-puffin'
No cries is heard in the night
As a result of him stuffin'

No, seriously,  play it all the way through and you may come to experience a bit of this man's genius.
Now mind you, this track was created live before an audience.
Thank you, Mr. Zappa.


Zappa was a musical mad scientist!!  :headbang:

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #7874 on: June 24, 2017, 12:53:09 PM »
True. I think I have everything he ever released, including the very rare "Inca Road Tour."  Although that is on VHS.  :puke:
Still very much worth watching.

Now you have to understand, he was like Hendrix in some ways. He never maintained a waking moment without his recorder recording.
I feel that only a bit more than one fifth of his recordings are available to the public at this time.

Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.