Damn straight. I have six, possibly seven if one of my old ones is still hanging around.
Two trenchcoats, a bomber-biker jacket style one, shorter and heavy as that new president wanker they got in the US, whassisname...on the tip of my tongue can't think of it..damn warmongering playboy thuggish chump that makes bush look like a limp wristed knob fairy, or rather more of one, and with an IQ that one could use, if one had a box big enough to nail him in, with a couple of metal pipes attached to either side for condensing liquid helium...muppetish name, that is sitting there and befouling the tip of my tongue as if it were a bite taken from a dogshit sandwich.
Plus I have two really tight, form-fitting thin leathers, one a zip up and one that has one large button in the center so it opens into a V at the collar-chest area and approaching the waist also. I got the biker jacket for about £12-14 or so, and the two form-fitting figure hugging ones for about £6 a piece. One of the trenches is getting old, and I am going to either retire it for a labcoat with some inbuilt armor compared to cotton (I.e by ways of being thicker and more resistant to splashes or spills of acid or strong base, other misc. corrosives and oxidizers or remove the damaged arm, and the other one both, turn it into a sleeveless trench, weighted with lots of little laminated packets of finely powdered lead, for a weighted one.



arrived today

Or rather one subset of a portion of it did. Pics to follow in the skunkworks.
Lestat said 'let there be

And Lo! there was

Lestat looked upon his new

and with his eye, saw that it was fucking awesome shit.
So sayeth the bible, in the book of fed can kiss my fucking autistic arsehole and call it icecream. Pretty sure that is the quote, at least. CBC, you've read that stuff more recently than I haven, no? thats about right, no? verse 1 of the book of