can download this little tool, netcat, for nothing, its only a few hundred kb in size, but god damn its versatile and adapable. Whatever your planning, then you want it around. TCP/UDP toolkit, and used in conjunction with a decent quality sniffer on the network you can pull all kinds of interesting, useful and nifty exploits. Such as setting up backdoors via a 'reverse' netcat session using a pair of instances of the software one on the remote (target) host one on the local machine, getting it listening for a connection and then having the remotehost copy of netcat initiate the outgoing connection. Neatly bypassing a firewall in some cases, if they are programmed only to block an incoming TCP connection to that port. (I've not explored its UDP capabilities as much though)
But its not ONLY useful for black-hatted shits and giggles, its absolutely indispensable for diagnostics, using an ethernet sniffer on the network to see the packet traffic in realtime, using netcat to design the packets to be sent as probes. Good for remote-fingerprinting an OS as well if you know what your doing with it (need to be aware, or at least find info on how specific OS TCP/IP stacks respond to specific probes, such as both standard, and deliberately malformed packets. Watching for such things as the structure of error messages if any are forthcoming when you send a packet, mallformed in different ways, to open ports, closed ports, the wrong type of port (TCP or IP packet to a UDP port, and the other way round etc, closed and open), the sky is the limit really. If you want something even more capable, get yourself a copy of the nemesis project online. That one is perfect for a comprehensive packet-crafter toolkit, including if your that way inclined, functionality that will suit the sort of stuff thats all very, very black hat. Mind you, that really depends on what your inclined towards getting up to, just think of it as a very sharp knife and a lot bigger than a swiss army knife, and as such a lot better for cutting, chopping slicing and stabbing. The only question is WHAT is to be sliced, diced and chopped and the intent of the user. (think of it like a stick of dynamite. You can use it when you go out on a walk to do some mineral prospecting, once you find a suitable target needing blasting before you get to take your sacks of rock chunks home with you. But weather you turn those big hunks of thorium ore into a small sample for your element collection of metallic thorium, or you build say, a breeder reactor, or if your some filthy fucking allahsturbating sack of putrescent muhammid-raping, paedophile-worshipping islamonigger
pig jism intent on building a radiological weapon, that depends on who the user is and what they wish to do, not upon the tools, which do the same in a white hand or a paki bastard's trotters.
Those broken, radioisotope-laden thorite/monazite chunks/sand do not possess an opinion one way or the other about what happens to them, and the Th metal refined from it decays at the same rate, releasing the exact same quantity, type and ratio of decay products for any given isotope(s) without respect to the owner, or caring about anything else for that matter. Same goes for tools that are eminently suitable for being kept under hats blacker than a blistering stream of vitriolic curse words in a coal mine. Indeed that sort of netwoork enumeration tool, the sort that are designed with the black-hatted in mind from the start, are usually better than the rest because they are written with advanced users and technically complex uses in mind from day one (or ground zero, for the two may well resemble each other closely in that case
