Whoever has been talking about kinder chocolate eggs. Lol. Sorry, but no. There is no such thing. Kinder chocolate eggs or chocolate bars do not exist. There are cerainly products sold under the kinder brand in egg shaped, and bar shaped servings.
Chocolate, they are not. disgusting, sickly garbage. They really are repulsively sickly and cloying. Not to mention that the so called 'chocolate' is so low in cocoa that it really does not deserve the name of chocolate at all.
Theres even an ad campaign on TV, in which a little kid tells his mother that his teddy-bear is 'really not well, perhaps a kinder chocolate bar will make him better', acting like he was playing 'dr'. And then eats it.
The ad then actually talks of them being so good because they are have so little cocoa, (allegedly so kids will like them).
Bloody stupid IMO, and lol when I had those egg things as a kid (the bars didn't exist then I don't think. at least I never saw any, not that I'd have looked for them, or wanted any if I had found some), I loathed them then too.
Chocolate should be nearly black, its so dark, rich, flavoursome, a little bit brittle, snapping cleanly when broken in the hand, and not leave behind any cloying sensation in the mouth. Dark, and bittersweet, with the emphasis heavily on the 'bitter'. Whilst I could probably accept 70%, if its offered to me by someone else, I wouldn't buy it, 85% at least. The more the better. When it comes to chocolate, its dark chocolate all the way for me. I like the Lindt stuff, they do a good range of cocoa content for different tastes, as well as lovely treats like dark chocolate spiked with lime, or laced with chilli peppers, and go all the way right up to 99% cocoa. THAT is chocolate. The 85%s are alright and 90 and 95%, those are really very nice. But that 99 percent is absolutely a little chunk sliced off the very pearly gates of heaven, dosed liberally with sprinkles ground off St.Peter's spare set of keys.
Mmmm..I just got paid, yesterday I think. Whilst I have quite a few supplies for the lab I need, had to give my old man back some money that I owe him from when the DHSS wrongfully
stripped me of my income, and left me with nothing, save for £20 a week, once a month. So he helped out, while I fought for the money back, I got it eventually, with a nice big backpayment that got me my new laptop and quite a lot of nice new things for me to have for my lab, in the meantime though without the help, just so I could buy food, I would have had nothing at all to eat, for months, longer in fact than I could have gone and avoided at the very best, ending up in hospital through malnutrition, the few pounds a week would be gone in days, considering some would be eaten up in transport to places to purchase the food and drink, the rest just disappeared and got me enough food to have a handful of meals a week , but thats it, bar anything catchable or pickable from the table spread of mother nature. But My old man did step in and help me out with the basics, so I had enough to keep me going, for quite a while until I managed to get my income back again.
So he gets some when I get paid, what I can afford, until I've payed back the money given.
So far today, for me, I bought :
Several of the big bottles of super-thick milkshakes of the 'frijj' brand, some banana and some fudge brownie flavour ones. Love those, they are really substantial and can serve as almost a meal, not balanced of course, but if one doesn't feel like anything solid and bulky, they are both pourable, tasty, and they are substantial enough to satisfy and fill a hole when one feels like skipping a main full-sized meal.
A big handful (didn't count, just grabbed as many sachets as would fit in my hands) of packets of 'angel delight' pudding mix, all butterscotch flavor. (REALLY tasty if made up with a thin milkshake from nesquik powder, or commercial bottled milkshakes, to the point of being mixable, then the rest being the thick frijj stuff.) Sets in a minute or so, maybe a minute and a half rather than five minutes if done that way.
A huge load of tubs of nesquik banana milkshake powder mix, because they were hacked down in price at the local corner shop to nearly nothing, 50p each I think, rather than £2.50 ish), so I bought out their entire stock. Out of date so they reduced it to get it all gone fast. Its just flavouring and sugar really, with a bit of food-safe yellow dye, not the sort of product that can really go off, and even if very old will never be prone to the kinds of spoilage that could do much worse than MAYBE make it taste wrong. Just the sort of thing that keeps for as long a time as its allowed to remain un-consumed.
Must have got myself at least 7-9 of them, enough to make milkshakes in bulk, by using a sheet of paper, or a folded up menu from our local chinese takeout as a powder funnel (I'd no fucking WAY drink or eat anything thats been in mine, because I know what else has been there in the past, at least, what I can remember, and plenty of it was something I wouldn't want in my mouth

Several cans of rice pudding
Two steaks, rump, beef, nice big juicy looking ones. Looking forward to marinating those in a mixture of dark soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, HP brown sauce, tabasco habanero sauce, ground black pepper, lots of chilli peppers, some ground pink peppercorns (actually from, a species of sumac, not a true pepper), a few broken, cracked seeds of Piper cubeba, the cubeb, some sczechuan pepper fruit and seedcases, ground fine (these oddball little oriental spice berries/fruits aren't hot like other peppers, but like the cubeb pepper, they have a slightly astringent, terebinth-like, camphoraceous kind of scent and taste to them, the camphor-like element being much more pronounced in the cubeb than in sczechuan pepper. But unlike the other spices in my special steak seasoning recipe the latter of those has a STRANGE effect upon the mouth, causing a tingling, like one feels if, to test a low-powered household use battery, like a PP3 with the two terminals close enough together, placing one's tongue on the electrodes, and the battery is live. And also, the 'pepper' causes a really funky tingling, cooling, numbing effect, almost like a local anaesthetic applied topically to the mouth/tongue in too low a concentration to nullify all sensation.
The other two ingredients I use in my spice mix, I cannot buy. Well I could buy one of the two, but no need. They are peppery boletus, Chalciporus piperatus, and the fly agaric, Amanita muscaria, both mushrooms, that grow in association with the silver birch tree, in fact the bolete is apparently either a parasite of, or engages in a symbiosis with, the fly agaric, I read recently after looking it up, because for years and years, I'd observed that whenever I find some peppery boletes fruiting, there were ALWAYS fly agarics growing within the local space around the birch trees, almost without exception. And now, I bet where there were no fly agaric fruitbodies, there must have been a mycorrhiza in symbiosis with the roots of the silver birches in question at least.
Accurate enough so that one may use the presence of a single C.piperatus fruitbody as an indicator that one should then go and search the locale for fly agarics, and keep visiting the same tree the bolete came from under, because there will be fly agarics to pick soon afterwards.
The Amanita muscaria is a little bit poisonous, containing a poison called ibotenic acid, although this if it does cross the BBB, which is debatable, there are excitatory aminoacid transporters that function as active efflux pumps, pushing it out as fast as it enters. Ibotenic acid is however broken down by heating, its quite unstable, and decarboxylates (a carboxylic acid has the structure RCOOH where the 'R group is hydrogen in the case of formic acid, or carbon in higher carboxylic acids such as acetic, propionic (propanoic), the organic acid that in common with isovaleric (isopentanoic) acid, responsible for the stink of cheesy feet, and butyric acid which is what gives rancid fat its noxious stench (the very name 'butyric' acid, comes from butter, for its the cause of the stink of gone off butter in fact), and in doing so, loses CO2 from that carboxylic moiety, to form muscimol, a GABAa receptor (the same as is bound by cnbenzodiazepines, Z-drugs like zolpidem, zopiclone and the ever so shitty and useless zaleplon, the barbiturates, valerian, quaalude/methaqualone and others, although muscimol is very uncommon in binding the same binding site on the GABAa receptor complex as does GABA itself, producing a sedative/dissociating and trance-inducing hallucinogenic and powerfully adaptogenic and oneirogenic properties. My favourite use, if I'm not using it as an adaptogen, like say, ginseng, as a tonic and resilience booster, is to use it in cooking, in sub-psychoactive amounts, that do not affect the diner mentally, it does impart and help tease out the most wonderful flavor from savouries, meats especially, IMO beef best of all.)
There are also traces of another neurotoxin, muscarine, from the latin 'musca' meaning 'fly', hence the species epithet 'muscaria' in the binomial, for the mushroom used to
be used to poison flies in the days before cans of fly-spray. There isn't much present, mere fractions of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of one percent at most, if that. Enough to kill blowflies sure, but not humans, in larger, psychotropic doses it can be enough to cause sweating, and tearing of the eyes. But there is never enough muscarine in A.muscaria, despite the name (its the place it was first discovered, however there are much larger amounts in the fungal genus Inocybe, a tribe of smallish to medium, more small than medium, mostly brown to off white, greyish to reddish-rust in color mushrooms. There is enough in many to cause serious poisoning, and the Inocybe family is LOADED with members full to bursting with muscarine and the odd other neurotoxin here and there in a handful of species (even psilocybin has been discovered in three, although nobody should ever seek these out, due to the danger of severe or even lethal poisoning by the muscarine-producing members of the genus. And one of the psilocybin-producing taxa produces a unique psilocybin derivative, thats a trimethyltryptammonium quaternary salt, if I remember rightly, and it is a frickin' potent agonist at 5HT3 serotonin receptors, so would NOT be pleasant one bit. (the 5HT3 receptor is expressed a lot in the digestive system, and antagonists there are used in medicine as some of the most powerful, fast working and astonishingly effective antinauseant/antiemetic drugs, such as the brilliant ondansetron, usually used for cancer patients chemo-sickness, although I got a shot of it given me in hospital when I ended up having some GI problems, vomiting and retching so hard in the end it was streaked red, and nothing else but bile, acid and foam. Went from foetal position to sat up and reading the warhammer40k novel I had been reading at the time again. This was after NOTHING else had worked. Not buscopan/hyoscine/scopolamine butylbromide, nor scopolamine hydrochloride, not cyclizine, or any of the gaviscon/pepto-bismol type things. Went through everything they HAD, in the way of antisickness treatments bar only the dopamine antagonists like domperidone, trifluroperazine, stelazine etc., because I CANNOT take antidopaminergic agents, they cause me horrible akathisia, its just awful, the sort of internal torture people could cheerfully throw themselves in front of a moving train to avoid.
And that would go manyfold more so the case now, because I now take a med I didn't the last time that got inflicted on me by doctors that didn't know, and were too stupid to either listen or understand, a dopamine receptor agonist called pramipexole (mirapex), for restless legs at night (although I take a couple of the pills a day as well, one when I wake, and another, well whenever I feel like it later, really, timing dictated only by how much a response is required as is induced by said drug.
RLS is just..ugh. Nasty. Most unpleasant, and the pisstake is, it typically manifests when one needs to rest most of all, preventing all hope of sleep or comfort, unless something like an adrenergic catecholamine release blocker such as clonidine, tizanidine, xylazine etc (although the latter is more usually used to immobilize large animals, in low doses its lovely stuff, although not whats considered recreational as such, although I hear it is in, I think, possibly brazil, some latino country anyhow. But I love those sorts of agents, hated beta-blockers with a passion, but agonists of the adrenergic autoreceptor (an autoreceptor is a postsynaptic receptor that detects high levels of a given neurotransmitter, once activated, telling the presynaptic neurone to chill its beans and not pump out so much, in essence, a negative feedback mechanism serving to avoid a continual massive outpouring of neurotransmitter, and to avoid the balance between functional neurotransmitter system and the whole shebang becoming uncontrollable.
The mirapex does do well though, I quite like it, took a bit of wheedling and pleading to get it, but I wasn't about to back down, because whilst I DO have quite a few things here that will quite effectively terminate a bout of RLS, most of them come at a price. Namely the use of much more limited supplies of a resource far more precious than is pramipexole, those being my oxy IRs, and the two types of morphine dose that I get, if I'm going to have a wee poke anyhow then they get used, as they do when the RLS refuses to respond to a second mirapex tablet within a reasonable time, although with RLS, its not something that makes it tempting to wait very long. Or sometimes if I do go for the opioid way of fixing it, then I find a couple of 10mg or 1x30mg to prep one right before/on climbing into bed, which tends to be enough, tolerance or not, as its not taken either for pain relief or to get off then, doesn't seem to take much to quiet the howling and skriking nerves in my legs and arms enough that they keep it zipped and stop shouting and screaming until I get to sleep. Sometimes needs another 10 or so, maybe 20, if its morph I'm using, but I prefer for a redose at night if needed to use one of my oxys, as those are instant release, and don't need preparing and filtering, bioavailability by mouth is good enough in fact that I don't need to bang those. Up the nose is fine although I don't really like insufflating things much, just because of the way it feels, and the oxys have an insoluble binder of some sort as an excipient, so it sticks up there until some water is dripped into the nostril and snorted up, then blown out.
My other main options are gabapentin, that I take for pain in my leg due to nerve damage, which doesn't respond to opioids much, a little, but not much, and only at doses enough to knock me out completely, my guess is it only stops the neuropathic pain because the rest of me isn't around to notice, because I'll be sprawled out on the sofa in my comfy, warm bathrobe with a book probably open over my face keeping the light out:P or chlormethiazole, my antiseizure med, also a sedative/hypnotic. Thats not so precious, so to speak, as is my morph or oxy, I only get so much from my doc, but its not really much more difficult to prepare more, or derivatives of it, than it is to unzip my fly, pull up a bog seat, and take a piss, in terms of complexity at least. It takes longer, and urinating doesn't (thankfully haha!) cause the release of clouds of SO2 and hydrogen chloride (or of course, if its the other suitable halogen chosen, then hydrogen bromide rather than HCl. I've never tried making the iodo derivative,nor the fluoride, but this is by choice, and decision not to taste either of them, although I could if I chose, make them without difficulty, I just wouldn't wish to take either one if I DID make any, for two different reasons. The fluorinated derivative, just..NO!, because of the potential, even )theoretical, that it may metabolize to fluoroacetate in the body, as fluoroacetate is a VICIOUS poison, and almost impossible to treat, works by being metabolized to fluorocitrate, which then enters the citrate cycle (Kreb's cycle), and due to the strength of the fluorine-carbon bond, when citrate (fluorocitrate that is, rather) would be metabolized by aconitase, an enzyme, fluorocitrate can bind to the enzyme's active site, but cannot progress down the kreb's cycle, thus poisoning the enzyme irreversibly, just like sticking superglue in a lock and putting in a key that will enter the keyhole, but not turn and open the door. Result? its stuck there, buggering things up completely, for good. And since the citrate cycle is a vital fundamental process, blocking it, which in the case of the kreb's cycle, means that mitochondria end up starved of ATP, killing the cells thus exposed.
So fluoroethyl ANYthing, instantly rules out my using that substitution pattern in any of my pharmaceutical chem projects, gets the proposed molecule ruled out instantly, absolutely, and without hope of parole or rehabilitation. Particularly horrible stuff, fluoroacetate, as aside from its sheer noxiousnes and the near impossibility of doing a fucking thing for those poisoned, save only for supportive measures, in addition, due to its targeting energy production and use at the cellular level, it means that fluoroacetate goes most for those tissue types that have
the highest energy requirements, such as the brain, the heart, the lungs, and the reproductive organs the most of all, although it doesn't refrain from slaughtering everything else it encounters too.
Replacing the usual chlorine of chlormethiazole with iodine is more of a theoretical and nonacute type hazard, because the iodine atom is a much better leaving group than chlorine, bromine is in the middle between the two, so I judged it alright to make and test, to explore its activity, when I'm done doing so to the point of satisfaction in my research upon bromoethiazole/bromethiazole, as I've christened it, then it'll be left to my archives, my interest sated, to be brought out once in a while if there is no sedative/hypnotic or anticonvulsant agent available and one is needed, then the reaction leftovers from my studies will be around, or some can be prepared afresh.
Iodine is just that bit TOO good a leaving group, at least in the form of an aliphatic iodoalkane, and the better the ability of a functional group to undergo nucleophilic displacement the more so the leaving group, the easier it can be removed, if its something that can do so at all, the easier it can then go on to alkylate DNA, which isn't good unless you have cancer, and are
being treated with mustard gas for it (yes, mustard gas, some of the nitrogen mustards developed first for warfare as chemical weaponry got noticed for the fact that poisoned/wounded soldiers with mustard gas burns experienced a huge drop in white blood cell levels, so some of the mustards of the nitrogen type were further developed for a more worthy use than war, this time, rehabilitated, to cure instead of kill and maim, being used to treat cancers of the bone marrow and blood (leukaemias).
So theres every chance it could at as an alkylating agent, tagging DNA with a big useless function-destroying substituted hydroxyethylthiazole-shaped DNA-zit. So unless I were to find a good reason why this wouldn't happen in the particular case of any hypothetical synthesis and in-vivo use of the iodo analog of chlormethiazole, its simply not even going to be made, for if it wouldn't be tested for activity (although I guess maybe, I could test it some day in a cultured cell line via radioligand binding/displacement of a suitable ligand, tritiated phenobarbital, o srimilarly radiolabelled picrotoxin, or amongst others perhaps bicuculline..at least I THINK bicucculine, an alkaloid acting as a GABAa antagonist/inverse agonist convulsant derived from herbs in the genus Corydalis (not 100% but I'm fairly sure chlormethiazole at least, binds to the barbiturate recognition site on the GABAa receptor complex, its definitely not the benzodiazepine site, and isn't the valerian/loreclezole site, or the orthosteric site that recognizes GABA itself. Neurosteroid binding site could be plausible solely based upon the pharmacological effect, although I've never gotten to try a GABAergic neurosteroid, although I'd like to see what they are like, in comparison with other GABAa agonists.
Generally though, there is such scant, if any real justification for my believing that sticking an iodine there in place of a chlorine or bromine atom, that there would be a damn scrap of difference, with a psychedelic, my usual field of expertise really in terms of their qSAR, with a compound with such diverse cognitive effects as the psychedelics, there is a vast amount of room for subtlety and for as many permutations and quirks of experience as exist thought patterns within a single mind, upon a single day, on a single experience, locked up within just a single psychedelic compound. But in and of themselves, they are but tools, catalysts in a manner of speaking, the value of which lies not within the compound itself, but in what it can help to make manifest, the real magic, remains within the brain of the receiver, opened and made accessible by the psychedelics, certainly, but originating and existing within the person.
But with something of the nature of a sedative-hypnotic, they aren't what one could call dainty, subtle or particularly detailed, although theres difference enough to make them fun enough to work on to be worth doing so, at least, personally, they can still be worth it enough to make a decent few days in the lab, etc.
Br to I though on the same skeleton, I just can't see it changing the character enough to bother assaying it in-silico or in a living cell line even so much as to justify the cost of the iodine itself (I need to buy more actually, I'm out of I2 after someone stole mine a while ago, and its actually not all that cheap, and its great weight makes what sounds like a fair quantity actually not look like anything close to as much as one might think, for a given weight. Last I bought any, it was supplied in a small screw-capped pot, no taller than the length of my clenched fist, and not all that wide, but it contained a quarter of a kilo of the stuff, to the eye though I'd have guessed at 50g or so, just from how it looked, had I not known quite how dense the stuff is in the elemental state)
What else have I bought today?
2 packets of liquorice rolling papers and a pouch of amber leaf tobacco. I usually use my e-cig now, but for the occasional tobacco cigarette, maybe 2-3 a day at most now. And not all the time. Just like one when I wake up and another later before I go to bed last thing at night. But I treated myself to some proper rolling burn today, just a small 12.5g pack, because I've not had any for a long time, can hardly remember the last time I spent money on tobacco, which of course is no bad thing. But once in a while I do fancy a rolly. I usually don't, and just
beg a smoke off my folks, since I smoke so little now. But my moms are the pre-made filter type smokes, and taste like pickled anus on a popsicle stick compared to a proper roll up.
Main reason now I smoke actually, is I really do enjoy one as the accompaniment to a nice big slug of lady M. Not sure what it is about it, but something makes a smoke a little carcinogenic stick of burning heaven when on a painkiller of some kind. And in a way that cannot be equaled by an E-cig (THAT bit I do know, but generally why smoking itself is so much more enjoyable then, I'm not entirely certain. Certainly does though.