Of course you buy Darjeeling tea for the tea, at least if it's Darjeeling ff.
The tea was weak. 
Too much. I have bought far too much.
Books mostly: My Art, My Life by Diego Rivera, Chess Fundamentals By Jose Raul Capablanca, Frida's Fiestas by Guadalupe Rivera and Marie-Pierre Colle. I also bought some Darjeeling tea (for the tin, not really for the tea, heh).
I also purchased The God Delusion by Dawkins for a religion class I'll be taking. Plus a whole load of other inordinately expensive books for the two science classes I'll be taking in my final semester. $195.00 for one fecking chemistry book!!! 
Any good, the Capablanca book?
Very good book so far. Not quite the thing you sit down to read without a chess board in front of you though. And like classic Capablanca, the book starts off with Endgames.
It's one of those books that I've always thought of getting, but... 
Do it do it do it!!!

Yesterday, I was at a little street fair thingy (happened upon it by accident) and there was a booth of Mexican Indian type goods and so I bought a little musicky whistle thingy that I've since been annoying my cats with. I'm sure for someone who knows how to play it WELL, it sounds lovely. For now, my cats wish they could cover their ears.