missed me? is that a possible hint of sarcasm hidden somewhere 
No probs Peegai, i cant even remember what i asked, so your replies should be all the more fun to read. 
No, it's the honest truth. I just miss the atmosphere and my friends online.
I'll try and answer them this week.
Those smiley pics were embarrassingly bad lol smiling is so icky for me especially teeth showing smiles, but it was to prove a point ie that the ice maiden can indeed crack a smile when motivated.
many thanks to the certain person who provided the motivation for those smiley pics with their ridiculous pathetic posts that made me grin from ear to ear and nearly caused me to piss myself laughing. 
Well, I thought it makes a change from the usual "olos show us yer boobs" from internet pervs that are desperate to get laid.
As for the bloke, he ran out of luck and got kicked to the kerb. (metaphorically speaking of course) I mean i couldnt do it literally whilst he was in London and i was in Glasgow, my legs are long but not quite that long. 
That's a shame. Hopefully, you'll run into someone that you have more in common with, and less of the long-distance crap.
I don't know why, but I can't seem to be arsed to pursue a relationship with the opposite sex, even though I'm attracted to them. I just feel that my sexual impulses alone won't be enough to get the best out of whatever relationship I'm in. Besides, when it comes to my interests, I'm a selfish person at heart -- they come first.
How did the decorating go?
I wasn't involved in the decorating business (they didn't need me), but my mother doesn't like the paint colour very much, so they'll probably sort it out, along with a new carpet, in a few weeks time.