Author Topic: Ask the reformed peaguy something.  (Read 51410 times)

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Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #660 on: August 09, 2020, 01:00:29 PM »
incel is unoriginal too so I was just keeping things dumbed down you your level. And GOD have you become fucking dumb as shit nowadays. It's to be expected when you become "woke".

Not really making a joke by saying you're an incel, but okay.  :laugh:

Niggah PLEEZ!! If I came within a country mile of Emma her panties would drop so fast that you'd think she just watched a Chippendale's show. Next thing you know, she would be pregnant, then 9 months later she'd crap out a mulatto!!   :hahaha:

I feel sorry for you and your left hand. How many times do you wank off to Ayn Rand before you go to bed?

Quit apeing my routine. I usually accuse odeon or MOSW of jerking off to Marcuse, Derrida or Foucault.

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #661 on: August 09, 2020, 01:07:42 PM »
I'm a minarchist.
Interesting. How does that philosophy apply to federally regulated health and safety organization such as the FDA and OSHA? Nothing read seems to speak to public safety outside of physical and legal protection from aggression. Also, is that philosophy only specific to the federal government, or is it also opposed an individual state or municipality's responsibility to provide education and social services to those who might not otherwise afford them?

I'd rather not waste my time getting into big political discussions, especially with Shleed and MOSW derping all over the place.

I'm philosophically Minarchist but obviously you need to make compromises with reality in order to make a functioning system.

OSHA is a largely unnecessary organization since workplace accidents were in steep decline before they were even created.

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #662 on: August 09, 2020, 02:13:57 PM »
Niggah PLEEZ!! If I came within a country mile of Emma her panties would drop so fast that you'd think she just watched a Chippendale's show. Next thing you know, she would be pregnant, then 9 months later she'd crap out a mulatto!!   :hahaha:

Maybe if you didn't have the personality of a crusty spunk stain, maybe you'd have a chance. She has big tiddies ;)

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #663 on: August 09, 2020, 04:48:53 PM »
Yes, but the fundamental basis of libertarian seems based in minimizing government control; they don't all agree on capitalism but do seem to agree on that. It's hard to understand what any position along the libertarian spectrum means by government control. The biker opposed to local helmet laws I completely get, but when it comes to bigger issues it's all very vague to me.
I don't buy into libertarianism, as I said already I think it's a trojan horse for effective oligarchy. Even without going down the path of actual libertarianism, by pushing the idea that libertarianism is good and libertarianism is all about more freedom, you end up with a population that is primed for the removal of government policies and institutions that serve the public good.

But it's a complete ideology, or rather a range of complete ideologies. A typical libertarian doesn't believe in things like minimum wages, most government regulation on businesses, welfare. Many don't believe in publicly funded education at any age.
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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #664 on: August 09, 2020, 05:28:15 PM »
Are you covid secure peaguy?
Kick me.

Offline Jack

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #665 on: August 09, 2020, 08:37:20 PM »
I'm a minarchist.
Interesting. How does that philosophy apply to federally regulated health and safety organization such as the FDA and OSHA? Nothing read seems to speak to public safety outside of physical and legal protection from aggression. Also, is that philosophy only specific to the federal government, or is it also opposed an individual state or municipality's responsibility to provide education and social services to those who might not otherwise afford them?

I'd rather not waste my time getting into big political discussions, especially with Shleed and MOSW derping all over the place.

I'm philosophically Minarchist but obviously you need to make compromises with reality in order to make a functioning system.

OSHA is a largely unnecessary organization since workplace accidents were in steep decline before they were even created.
Fair enough. Used to work managing safety compliance and know first hand how easy it is for a business to overlook or be unaware of some very basic but important things. Developed an appreciation for OSHA standards because they're so clear and consist. at least in that particular industry. and no one balks at a person who is implementing federal standards, as apposed to someone who's just making stuff up. :laugh:

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #666 on: August 10, 2020, 04:18:54 PM »
I don't buy into libertarianism, as I said already I think it's a trojan horse for effective oligarchy.

I'll grant you that many libertarians ignore the dangers of corporate power run amok. Me being working class blue collar, I understand that corporations need to have their power curbed as well and there have to be government agencies powerful enough to put them in check when needed.

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #667 on: August 10, 2020, 07:27:06 PM »
I don't buy into libertarianism, as I said already I think it's a trojan horse for effective oligarchy.

I'll grant you that many libertarians ignore the dangers of corporate power run amok. Me being working class blue collar, I understand that corporations need to have their power curbed as well and there have to be government agencies powerful enough to put them in check when needed.

So who chooses the government agencies and what stops those government agencies from becoming corrupt tools of the corporate sector?

How about education? Is education to be government funded or will education be fully private and privately funded?

It's a bit like the billionaire who asks a woman at a party "would you sleep with me for a million dollars?" and the woman says "I suppose that I would". So the billionaire asks "would you sleep with me for ten dollars?" and the woman responds "what sort of lady do you think I am?". The billionaire replies "We've already established what sort of woman you are, now we are just haggling over the price".

If you believe in government control over private individuals and entities in some circumstances, and in governments being able to collect some form of tax to pay for that control, then the difference between you and I is the circumstances and form of that government control that we think is justifiable and necessary.
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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #668 on: August 13, 2020, 05:32:18 AM »
i have a feeling peaguy wont be answering any questions
Kick me.