Author Topic: Ask the reformed peaguy something.  (Read 51462 times)

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Offline Walkie

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #630 on: August 08, 2020, 09:07:52 AM »
Well done, an urban dictionary entry, totes beaten me!   :facepalm2:

Again, look up the "manosphere" and how it all relates to one another. From there you can see how vocels are really just incels in denial. You often see the same unrealistic expectations/stereotypes of women. You'll also see a lot of anti-masturbation rhetoric too.

Also, a lot of self-proclaimed vocels are MGTOW, which if you look into it, is pretty cringey and incel in its own right:

you talk just as if all vocels are men.
unconscious sexism?  :green:

as for Urban Dictionary: well, it seems that vocel hasn't made into the oxford english Dictionary yet, so where else should i look to find out the common/accepted usage of the word? That definition had a good few upvotes, and the next best was very similar.   So, it definitely beats "Schleed and his mates" in terms of reliabilty, I should say  :LOL:

« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 09:18:13 AM by Walkie »

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #631 on: August 08, 2020, 09:20:54 AM »
They're all just incel variants.

Also Scrap, stop projecting. I'm quite aware the most action you get is with your left hand.  :hahaha:

From 6,000 miles away you know all about my sex life??   ::)      ::)      ::)     :rofl:

So what color is the strap-on dildo that Emma uses to fuck you in the ass, then force you to lick the shit off of her dick??  :ATM:

Offline Walkie

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #632 on: August 08, 2020, 09:38:42 AM »
I'm not saying there's no such thing as celibate woman haters who couldn't get a woman if they wanted to. I just don't feel the need to paint all celibate men with the same negative brush.  :dunno:

Same. Nor do I want to paint all celibate women with that same negative brush.

I read a bit of  history of the incel movement awhile back. Turns out the Incel boards were quite friendly , civilised places to start with , sometimes run by women, and with quite a number  of women members. But then all the civilised members felt the need to distance themselves from  the jerks who now claim ownership of  that word.

I guess the same will happen with vocel.  Seems you can't wait, Wretch.

So celibacy is well on its way to being a dirty word, it seems.   And soon we'll all have to all pretend to have hot sex lives whether we're really interested in sex or not, hmm? just like a bunch of adolescent virgins trying to impress our mates.  :LOL: Just to make it clear that we're not grudgeful nutters. 

Well done, an urban dictionary entry, totes beaten me!   :facepalm2:

Yeah, that's right.  :zoinks:

 :lol1: :plus:

Offline Dirty Big Yoke

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #633 on: August 08, 2020, 10:09:11 AM »
This is the first time I ever heard about MGTOW, so I haven't' said anything about that, except to make a joke. I looked up manosphere on wikipedia and it doesn't say anything about voluntary celibates. I'm not saying there's no such thing as celibate woman haters who couldn't get a woman if they wanted to. I just don't feel the need to paint all celibate men with the same negative brush.  :dunno:

Well done, an urban dictionary entry, totes beaten me!   :facepalm2:

Yeah, that's right.  :zoinks:

If you read what I've said, I didn't. Vocels are not average celibate men. You can be celibate without being a vocel/incel or whatever else.

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #634 on: August 08, 2020, 10:09:59 AM »
They're all just incel variants.

Also Scrap, stop projecting. I'm quite aware the most action you get is with your left hand.  :hahaha:

From 6,000 miles away you know all about my sex life??   ::)      ::)      ::)     :rofl:

So what color is the strap-on dildo that Emma uses to fuck you in the ass, then force you to lick the shit off of her dick??  :ATM:

The sheer irony.  :LOL:

Keep being salty, incel

Offline Dirty Big Yoke

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #635 on: August 08, 2020, 10:15:29 AM »
Well done, an urban dictionary entry, totes beaten me!   :facepalm2:

Again, look up the "manosphere" and how it all relates to one another. From there you can see how vocels are really just incels in denial. You often see the same unrealistic expectations/stereotypes of women. You'll also see a lot of anti-masturbation rhetoric too.

Also, a lot of self-proclaimed vocels are MGTOW, which if you look into it, is pretty cringey and incel in its own right:

you talk just as if all vocels are men.
unconscious sexism?  :green:

as for Urban Dictionary: well, it seems that vocel hasn't made into the oxford english Dictionary yet, so where else should i look to find out the common/accepted usage of the word? That definition had a good few upvotes, and the next best was very similar.   So, it definitely beats "Schleed and his mates" in terms of reliabilty, I should say  :LOL:

They generally are, yes. I don't think that's sexist to point out, especially when again, MGTOW is a vocel movement. You're just being blatantly stupid and dishonest now.

Urban dictionary are no different to my anecdotes, but you only have to look up the likes of MGTOW to see for yourself on how they're practically incels in denial.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 10:17:20 AM by wretchmachine »

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #636 on: August 08, 2020, 10:37:32 AM »
Keep being salty, incel

Sure thing, cuck!!   :thumbup:

Offline Dirty Big Yoke

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Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #638 on: August 08, 2020, 10:46:41 AM »
This is the first time I ever heard about MGTOW, so I haven't' said anything about that, except to make a joke. I looked up manosphere on wikipedia and it doesn't say anything about voluntary celibates. I'm not saying there's no such thing as celibate woman haters who couldn't get a woman if they wanted to. I just don't feel the need to paint all celibate men with the same negative brush.  :dunno:

Well done, an urban dictionary entry, totes beaten me!   :facepalm2:

Yeah, that's right.  :zoinks:

If you read what I've said, I didn't. Vocels are not average celibate men. You can be celibate without being a vocel/incel or whatever else.

I can't find a single thing which paints the word volcel the way you have, maybe that will change but for now I'm fine with accepting it's an abbreviated term for voluntary celibate for various reasons and that's exactly what it means according to the interwebs. MGTOW does seem to have more to it, so maybe it's like squares and rectangles. MGTOWs are vocels, but not all volcels are MTOW.  :dunno:

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #639 on: August 08, 2020, 11:20:43 AM »
I'm not saying there's no such thing as celibate woman haters who couldn't get a woman if they wanted to. I just don't feel the need to paint all celibate men with the same negative brush.  :dunno:

Same. Nor do I want to paint all celibate women with that same negative brush.

I read a bit of  history of the incel movement awhile back. Turns out the Incel boards were quite friendly , civilised places to start with , sometimes run by women, and with quite a number  of women members. But then all the civilised members felt the need to distance themselves from  the jerks who now claim ownership of  that word.

I guess the same will happen with vocel.  Seems you can't wait, Wretch.

So celibacy is well on its way to being a dirty word, it seems.   And soon we'll all have to all pretend to have hot sex lives whether we're really interested in sex or not, hmm? just like a bunch of adolescent virgins trying to impress our mates.  :LOL: Just to make it clear that we're not grudgeful nutters. 

I agree the whole conflict here might be because the word incel already has such a bad wrap. I guess it's worth considering the terms are similar because they're actually related in negativity even though I can't find any evidence of it, and one term is simply bad due to having any association whatsoever to the other.  :orly:

Offline Walkie

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #640 on: August 08, 2020, 11:21:55 AM »

I can't find a single thing which paints the word volcel the way you have, maybe that will change but for now I'm fine with accepting it's an abbreviated term for voluntary celibate for various reasons and that's exactly what it means according to the interwebs. MGTOW does seem to have more to it, so maybe it's like squares and rectangles. MGTOWs are vocels, but not all volcels are MTOW.  :dunno:

Same. I put a shedload of Googling into
just being blatantly stupid and dishonest
more fool me  (could have easily done that off the top of my head).  Urban Dictionary's top definition of Incel is right in line with what wretch (and the rest of us) think.  By contrast, UD's  definition of vocel is completely non-prejudicial.  What's more, there seems to be no self-defined "vocel community", unlike incels,  so, right now,  its a label that is put on you by others, not a label that you own.  If you happen to be voluntarily celibate, can you reasonably say "Oh no! Im not vocel?"" Going by currently  available definitions (leaving wretch's definition aside) that would be nonsensical, much  like saying "No I'm not a Tory, i'm a member of the Conservative party"


Urban dictionary are no different to my anecdotes, but you only have to look up the likes of MGTOW to see for yourself on how they're practically incels in denial.
yeah , I  did, actually.  And that doesn't affect the definition of vocel.

Anyway, I'm through with this little discussion now.   Started off as a bit of friendly banter, would have much preferred it to stay that way. 
« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 11:26:10 AM by Walkie »

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #641 on: August 08, 2020, 12:56:00 PM »
so, right now,  its a label that is put on you by others, not a label that you own.

I'm thinking you might be right about that. The wikipedia page for incel has this in the lexicology, which inplies incels may have created the term volcel.
"Members of incel communities use many variations of the term "incel" to refer to subgroups within the community, such as "volcels" (voluntary celibate; someone who chooses to forego sexual intercourse), "fakecels" (those who claim to be incel, but in reality have recently had sex or been in a relationship), and "truecels" (true incels; men who have never had any sexual or romantic encounters).

Only one of the source links after that quote seems to be related to volcel but does have this.
Truecel: A moniker used for “true incels,” or men who have never had any sexual or romantic contact with a woman. These men believe they will always be an incel regardless of any changes they implement to improve themselves. This term functions as the opposite of “fakecels” (fake incels) and “volcels” (voluntary celibates), who are looked down upon in the incel community.

Volcel (also known as “Fakecel”): A term describing a person who is voluntarily celibate, and therefore does not fulfill the criteria of inceldom. Incels believe that these people could have sex if they wanted to, whereas “truecels” have no hope for finding sexual partners. “Volcels” are viewed as frauds and are not accepted by the incel community.[/quote]

It's like Dunc's Law for celibates.  :zoinks:


Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #642 on: August 08, 2020, 01:04:10 PM »
Keep being salty, incel

Sure thing, cuck!!   :thumbup:

incel is unoriginal too so I was just keeping things dumbed down you your level. And GOD have you become fucking dumb as shit nowadays. It's to be expected when you become "woke".

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #643 on: August 08, 2020, 01:10:58 PM »
Brexit was the best thing the UK has done in recent years.

The EU has become the 4th Reich.

Excellent contribution, Scrap. What's next, muslims are bad?

Predictable fash cunt.  :wanker:

FFS. Scrap might be a fascist,

In which alternate universe am I a fascist??  :scratchhead:

I've been an advocate of individual freedom and liberty since day 1.

Many people on this board are fascists compared to me because they advocate collectivist policies and mindset.

I'm a minarchist.

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: Ask the reformed peaguy something.
« Reply #644 on: August 08, 2020, 01:31:15 PM »
incel is unoriginal too

You're not REAL incel. Poser.  :zoinks: