Yep, in the paranoia censorship scheme of things! 
Nope. Pea is banned and does not get a voice here. You know as well as I do that the only reason Pappy is relaying messages in public is to create drama.
You're not this naive, Ozy. At least you didn't use to be.
I am not naive, just pragmatic and realistic......insults will get you nowhere. He is a good friend...more than you turned out to be!
You mean our friendship or that between me and Pea? You know perfectly well what Pea did. Is that what friends do? He does not get to rejoin this place after that, not in person, not by proxy.
As for you and me, that was and still is your choice. As I recall it, you never gave me any say in the matter, you simply cut me off. Is that what friends do?
Insults and insinuations won't get you anywhere either.
No, Odeon. It is not always on everyone else to fit in with YOUR shitty behaviour. You are a complete asshat and you can say to Ozy, "You never used to be..."
Ozy has not changed. YOU have. Ozy doesn't need to make concessions nor alter his behaviour. YOU do. You are not the man you once were and to be frank, the Odeon of today I would not piss on if you were on fire. You have a lot of cheek trying to project your ineptitudes on him or me or anyone else, you slimy little bottom feeder.
I do not know what cause the change and I am not crying about it. I would probably not give you the time of day were you to suddenly become a saint. But if you project your own faults condescendingly on every other member here (or Hell, even select members) I am going to throw it back in your face. I do not care if it is explicit, implicit, minor, major, or even worth the effort to do so. I will do it every time I see it. Same goes for your lies. Same goes for you generally being a piece of shit. It probably goes without saying but calling me a bigot on here will get you being called a rapist by me, every time. If people search this place and through your constant calling me a bigot, wrongly associate that smear with me, they will have the same chance of associating you with being a rapist. Its fair. This is all of YOUR making, Odeon, all of it, regardless projections on others.