I'm not all that much of a drinker, although I can hold a fair bit of alcohol if I choose to do so, I just don't choose it all that often. Alcohol is not even in the running as to favourite ways to alter consciousness.
Although one of the meds I'm on, a sedative-hypnotic called chlo(r)methiazole, brand name 'heminevrin', a vitamin B1/thiamine derivative (two synthetic steps from thiamine to chlormethiazole, cleavage of the vitamin to an intermediate (and apparently active in its own right, at about 10x lesser potency by weight) thiazolethanol, which is then chlorinated using, usually, thionyl chloride to give the final product chlormethiazole. Been meaning to have a go at making some myself, I do already get it prescribed, but want to do it just for the fun of starting from scratch, and of course to have a bit more handy if I need it, its a bit of an iffy drug with respect to alcohol though in particular. Combining sedatives with other sedatives, or opiates can be dangerous leading to respiratory depression, but chlormethiazole actually inhibits metabolic breakdown of alcohol, IIRC through inhibition of alcohol (not aldehyde, which would mean the drug worked like antabuse/disulfiram, the alcohol aversion treatment drug used to make pissheads really, really sick, without actually killing them, just making the alky WISH it would hurry up and do so

) dehydrogenase, leading to higher concentrations of alcohol circulating within the body if combined with chlormethiazole, and hanging around longer. Means that even a small amount of alcohol, if very carefully combined with chlormethiazole, just a couple of drinks on a low dose of the latter, end up hitting like an out of control freight train on steroids, and getting the drinker very, very, very drunk indeed.
Its actually more commonly used as an alcohol detox drug, thats unique in that it helps prevent an abrupt drop-off in alcohol plasma levels and help stabilize the drunkard, often in an inpatient setting, whilst also providing a replacement sedative/hypnotic that isn't so toxic as excessive drink abuse, than its use in sober patients as as sedative/hypnotic. I take it in part to control myoclonus, which I find it performs excellently in doing, and as one of my two daily doses is at night before going to bed it helps me get to sleep as a bonus. Occasionally I'll take a little more during the day at some point too if I have something really stressing me out, or have had a rotten day and just want to crawl into bed and say 'fuck it, I'm done with today'

I prefer other substances to alcohol though mainly, for regular use, opiates are probably my favourite, I'd say my favourites were morphine, dipropionylmorphine, which is slightly more slower to act once injected than is diacetylmorphine (heroin) its close relative, but its also more potent than H, and IMO I find it more euphoric too although its not available on the streets, and there is next to no chance of getting a prescription for it anywhere, not sure if its even used medically in the UK. One must therefore, prepare their own, by acylating morphine with either propionic/propanoic anhydride or the acid chloride propionyl chloride, this latter method also requires a base such as pyridine, or triethylamine, diisopropylethylamine (Hunig's base) to mop up the hydrogen chloride liberated when the acid halide reacts with morphine base to give dipropionylmorphine. My other favourite is a full-spectrum alkaloid extraction of opium poppy pods and opium to be acylated in the same way using propionyl chloride or the anhydride. Lasts a LONG time, all day or most of it, and its got a kick like a mule. A little spot not much larger than a match head was strong enough to floor me, even with the annoying tolerance to opioids I have thanks to HAVING to use them, not just take for pleasure as and when, due to having my knee being so fucked up, and my hip going with it in recent years, been on pain meds for 10 years plus, probably a few more than that. That has meant that I slowly accumulated an annoying level of tolerance. On the one hand it does mean I can take quite a lot of opiates before I'd stop breathing and die from an OD, but on the other, it also means when I do take my pain meds script of morphine and oxycodone I NEED more to get the level of effect I seek, than would an opiate-naive user. I can quite easily withstand even as much as a quarter g of morphine sulfate intravenously, probably as much as half a gram, I've done 500mg shots before and just nodded out real hard for quite some time after dosing, with some oxy on top to give it a bit more kick. But thats not economical in a situation where society overregulates the drugs and in some cases wrongfully criminalizes possession thereof when not told I can have them by a dr's script printer, making them a scarce resource if one has not the chemistry skills to be able to nullify that.
I also do like ethylphenidate, a ritalin analog stimulant mixed in with my opiates, to make speedballs, or coke with them, and I ESPECIALLY have a thing for dissociatives like ketamine, methoxetamine, PCE and PCP analogs, as well as a relatively new pair of completely unrelated compounds based on an amphetamine analog with both opiate and dissociative properties called lefetamine, these being diphenidine and methoxphenidine, both dissociatives, and very pleasant ones, but without the sedating nature of ketamine, MXE, 4-methoxy-PCP and their relatives, being quite a longlasting strong stimulant, and quite probably with opioid effects to some degree.
Just going out to the city center now actually to get myself some diphenidine, and some STS-135, a potent synthetic cannabinoid packaged in this case in an E-liquid for those electronic fags that vaporise nicotine liquid rather than having to light and inhale the smoke from burning tobacco. This stuff is similar only its not nicotine, but synthetic bud replacement. Might just get a bit of ethylphenidate too so I can do a few speedballs when I get back home. Depends how much money I have spare. Might just get the cannabinoid and the diphenidine. Really got to like the latter since I first tried it, I find it very motivating, enlivening and activating, as well as just being lovely stuff in general.