Religion: apathetic, agnostic, atheist, believer?
Do you believe in a higher power?
If so what made you believe in it, what form do you think it takes, what makes you believe it takes that particular form?
If not, how do you feel about the people who do believe, whats your general attitude towards them?
Strong atheist. I believe that anything I would be willing to accept as God (omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent) is logically impossible, and anything that falls short of those three attributes would simply be a super-powerful alien entity thingy, even if it happened to have created our local universe.
I used to believe absolutely in a christian god and heaven and so on, since that's how I was brought up, but as I got older, I started finding holes and inconsitencies in that belief-set, and became a pretty firm atheist by the time I was 9 or so.
My attitude to believers varies depending on the person. Some can be incredibly arrogant and judgemental, some are away in lala land with their wishful thinking, some haven't really given any thought to their beliefs and just follow the majority, and often have glaring inconsitencies in their beliefs that you could drive a truck through, but which they're completely blind to, some have very well thought out, internally consistent beliefs that nonetheless completely fail to find common ground with my own understanding of reality, some swear they can do magic, but that it would be an insult to the divine to test their abilities under controlled conditions and so on. There's too much variety to have a single attitude to believers in general. Some I'm fine with, others I want to slap some sense into.