I like B-52
Give us a good airplane joke while you're at it, stoned autistic retard.
I am not
a) stoned
b) autisitic
c) or retarded
but here is an airplane joke:
Two pilots are drinking in the departure lounge. One pilot, who has just made a long flight, notes to the other that he has had 2 drinks and better stop otherwise he will collapse from tiredness.
The other pilot verbally abuses him for being a weak cunt, and says he is on his sixth drink, was drinking the night before, AND he is about to make a long flight! The first pilot is absolutely shocked and angrily demands an explanation for such behaviour that would put passengers at risk.
The second (very drunk) pilot brushes it off in a jolly manner, explaining that he has a special flying brain which he keeps in his carry-on luggage. By now you are probably getting interested in this joke, but I can't be fucked making up the rest of it at this point, so maybe you can finish it for me? I thought it was going rather well.