One big one is learning.? Learning in general.? I can learn pretty much anything, very quickly.? Even things I have trouble with at first, i can organize the information, organize the associations so that it is a pattern that makes sense to me.? I used to have terrible trouble learning, but then I decided to try and learn it my way and now it just flows into me.
Another big one, although it sounds stupid is probably problem solving.? Or more appropriately solution assessment.? In any given problem it only takes me a second or 2 to figure out the optimum solutions to a problem, and then I just compare them.? And this doesn't just apply to puzzles and games, I can and have applied this skill before in life.? And in important situations that had significant results.
I'm not sure to call this a talent, but I know I have excessive confidence.? I have a sense of conviction that what I decide is right and okay(for me) is safe to push for.? It stems from the solution assessment thing.? I can so clearly see the solution to a problem that I have a lot of confidence about pursuing it.? I don't try to decide what is right for everybody, but I do decide what is right for me.
Humility.? I can understand why this doesn't seem true or doesn't fit with me, but it is something I practice with a great passion.? When practicing philosophy you may think about the concept that we as humans don't and possibly can't know anything, but after thinking about this you have to go on living, and practically forget it.? I try to keep it in my in my day to day living.? I don't have the right to decide what is right for other people.? Some people may believe they do somehow have a right to decide what is right for other people, and i disapprove of that, but I only have dominion over myself, so at least I can live never trying to decide what is right for other people.
Another aspect of the humility is in learning.? I don't use knowledge like a certification that my opinion is more valid than anyone elses.? And I also don't consider the things I do learn absolute.? For most people they take ideas as they are passed to their "under consideration" tray, immediately assess it for usability and then put it directly into the "absolute reflection of the universe" tray, or the "really likely and workable model that probably is the truth" tray.? And only remove them under rare circumstances and with great reluctance.? My ideas go into the "under consideration" tray and never ever leave.
There are probably some other aspects of humility but i can't think of them now.
I want to say that I care about others, but this isn't totally true.? Making others happy makes me happy.? And while that may not be a talent, it sure as hell is advantageous.
The only other talent i'm gonna mention in this post is that I know myself well.? I have skill and interest in introspection, and me and my emotions are good friends.? And I can read my own emotions well.? And I respect my emotions and they in turn allow me to control them when it is really important.? (It is a lot easier to suppress incredible anger if you feel emotionally satisfied in other parts of your life)? I have no illusions about how I work and I am not ashamed about what I can't change.? This helps with planning.? I've told friends before, "I don't want to, seriously, but I know by the time, in an hour or 2, i will have wanted to."? And be right every time.