As far as Les vs. Elle, in my opinion you both should get over it. Remove the inferences in your signatures and titles and move on. Having met Elle and hung out with her as long as I have on here, I think I get that a lot of her attacks on men are in jest. I miss the "Goddess of Blue Balls" moniker as I had dubbed it. Made me feel special. Also, I apologize for making jokes about the whole thing between you two as I had no idea what was going on. I also had no idea about Hyke. My apologies for dragging that out by "correcting" posts.
With regards to Les' attacks on Elle...I believe that they were very hateful and quite frankly out of line. Calling Elle a bigot is a pretty wild accusation. It's not about being a victim, but from what I know of Elle and what she has shared on here, she hasn't had the greatest experiences with men. I have actually tried to be her friend to show her we are not all trying to get in her pants. Maybe if some others would do the same, not you Les - I'm talking about Scrap and others, she wouldn't be so negative on here at times. Only she can really speak to her personal stuff and how they intertwine with any of this. Regardless, your accusations Les were not very well backed up anyway. Get over it and move on. I like you and have nothing personal with you. Just my opinion. Also, Hyke is really cool.
Well out of this whole thing here you were right about precisely one thing. It is old history.
Get over it? Over what? A disagreement and call out I had months ago? Seriously?
Hell the only reason I still have that signature is I had not found something I considered sig worthy to have as a replacement. There may be a decent thread in this. "Find Al a new sig" Beats the hell out of me being too apathetic and lazy to find my own.
Wild accusations? That in itself is ironically a pretty wild accusation and I think you havew likely not read or understood the thread. It was far from wild and ultimately resolved between us.
No I did not take it personally then and do not now and I like Elle. I was not attacking her as a person but rather some values that I did not like and frankly thought were rather self-limiting and unnecessarily ugly.
Again I think that you did not read it all that well.
As for moving on? Again, from what?
EDIT :Two things. Hyke IS cool