
Author Topic: Interrogate PMS Elle!  (Read 111183 times)

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2040 on: March 29, 2011, 04:41:59 AM »
/somehow manages to conceal her immense gratitude for the edification.   :zombiefuck:
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

Offline Eclair

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2041 on: April 03, 2011, 06:05:44 AM »
So how is everything with you lately?
juuuust super:P

Of course you are, you mean hearted, fucked up manipulating Bitch.

I actually thought my efforts privately to speak to you about your Mother's abandonment were genuine....little did I know, that you were a back stabbing psychotic little bitch...who manipulated the situation with Trigger to stab me in the back, whilst I tried to help you privately along with Scrap's antics.

From what I can see, I'm sorry that the lack of your Mothers love somehow gives you the entitlement to shit on others who reach out to you genuinely.

I'm sorry that the 'poor me' posts are so predominant now in you that that is now the card you will play.

I'm sorry that you betrayed me, for the attention of a man here.

And most of all, I'm sorry that somehow, like Scrap, you will justify your hurtful, backstabbing behaviour and manipulate it into something against me, who contacted you out of concern.

Pass on my regards to Trigger and his attempts to have a go at me in the forum, ie; the sexual Q and A thread will reveal that a little more.

I think all 3 of you, Scrap, Trigger and yourself, have little knowledge or respect for true friendship or care, and believe me, after 4 years of the shit here, I am pretty well entitled to call out scumbag, pity sucking cunts. All 3 of you.
Uh.... whaaaaaaat?

I honestly don't know what you're talking about.  I was very grateful when you reached out.  I don't know how on earth Scrap plays into any of this.  As for Trigger, I didn't end up seeing him because it didn't work out logistcially but I wasn't exactly planning on plotting to kill you and/or jumping his bones/anything remotely sinister; I hung out with him once last year when he was in town and we shot the shit for an hour or so in a Dunkin Donuts.  If it had worked out I thought it would be nice to do the same thing again this year.

If you'd like to talk a bit more about this over PM- even just to explain what exactly I did, or what you think I did, or what you think I'm trying to do- by all means do so.  If your beef was specifically with me I'd be fine with a public callout but as it is I'm not even sure whose dirty laundry is getting aired because I don't know what the heck happened.  As it is I'm not sure if I should be apologizing or clarifying a misunderstanding or what.  I'm sorry that you're upset and you're hurt.  I genuinely didn't mean to do or say anything hurtful to you, whatever it was that happened.   :-\

Yes, I believe you did. Just the fact that someone like me, who has supported you through all your problems behind the scenes in another country, for years, doesn't even get the courtesy of a first name, yet Trigger and you, obviously swapped numbers and went to dunkin donuts or whatever, shows me how you schmooze men to great lengths, but me, someone who has supported you behind the scenes, is treated like shit.

Then yesterday, because Les fired up at you, you had the hide and arrogance to even think he wants to fuck you because he challenged your stupid little approach to who should pay for a date.

Back yourself up Elle, because right now, your looking like an arrogant prick teasing bitch who doesn't give a fuck about anyone else but themself. Which is fine....but don't go sucking up my ass behind the scenes because you don't want to be called out for a manipulating heartless bitch here, because you will be. Because you are.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2042 on: April 03, 2011, 07:57:14 AM »
Whilst this Trigger/Elle/Scrap thing is not something I know anything about and therefore can not comment on, I will say that I certainly agree with what Eclair has said about you not backing yourself.
You said I wanted to fuck you and then when challenged, deflect and try to joke around it. No, time is now Elle to start backing your bullshit.
You are in I2 and you have been here for a while. You know better.
Yes that does mean that I am waiting for you to stop deflecting and address why you wrote what you did in my signature.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 08:01:02 AM by Sir_Les_Patterson »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Adam

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2043 on: April 03, 2011, 08:21:50 AM »
PMSElle is definitely a super bitch on here

But I do think she was just taking the piss with the whole "you want to fuck me" thing

I mean I reckon I have pribably said stuff like that myself on here before but I don't genuinely think anyone here wants to fuck me

That being said, I reckon most guys here DO wanna fuck her :P

also why are none of you women going Dunkin Donuts with ME ffs!!!!

Offline Squidusa

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2044 on: April 03, 2011, 08:29:47 AM »
PMSElle is definitely a super bitch on here

But I do think she was just taking the piss with the whole "you want to fuck me" thing

I mean I reckon I have pribably said stuff like that myself on here before but I don't genuinely think anyone here wants to fuck me

That being said, I reckon most guys here DO wanna fuck her :P

also why are none of you women going Dunkin Donuts with ME ffs!!!!

I'll go to Dunkin Donuts with you  :eyelash:

Just give me a few years to re-write my genetic code and grow breasticles  :P
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline Adam

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2045 on: April 03, 2011, 08:32:21 AM »
and find it in you to venture out of the poncey south and up into the awesome NORTH! :P

Offline Squidusa

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2046 on: April 03, 2011, 08:32:56 AM »
and find it in you to venture out of the poncey south and up into the awesome NORTH! :P

Pfft , be a man and ESCORT me.  :zoinks:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline Eclair

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2047 on: April 03, 2011, 08:45:30 AM »
PMSElle is definitely a super bitch on here

But I do think she was just taking the piss with the whole "you want to fuck me" thing

I mean I reckon I have pribably said stuff like that myself on here before but I don't genuinely think anyone here wants to fuck me

That being said, I reckon most guys here DO wanna fuck her :P

also why are none of you women going Dunkin Donuts with ME ffs!!!!

Yeah, I get your light hearted approach. Except Soph, if you had emotionally supported a life sapping bitch for years online, you respect their privacy, then find out they swapped names and numbers with a person online...that they clearly don't care about and want to mislead. And on top of that, you got drawn in as a diversion from their shit, you'd be pretty pissed off also.

I was prepared to drop it and take Elle's comments offline as genuine, but when I saw that post edit she did to Les..which clearly indicated she thinks Les wants to fuck her, that's why he riles her up...I mean. She needs to get over herself.

Anyone who has been here for a while knows she has issues with men. Look at her sigs ffs. The fact she would not ever, ever, give a shit about me offline previously, until it became clear she was leading Trigger on, and wanted to keep it quiet is enough. THAT is in fact why she wanted to take it off the forum. Not because she cared about contacting me one on one.

Her whole mode of operation for the past few years has been to play high and mighty because she was stalked online without fear of retribution because of that fact...she can play the 'please don't attack me, I've been stalked online' bullshit.

And yep, I take what she and Trigger did pretty seriously, for no other reason that BOTH of them played me as a caring person about their problems behind the scenes for quite some time. I'd say more, but I'd breach my own principles about personal conversations. I think both of them deserve each other.

And to clarify Elle, I'm not calling you out because I want to fuck you. Call me crazy, but I really don't.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2048 on: April 03, 2011, 08:50:12 AM »
Superbitch? Really does Elle rate this title?
What I see is contradictions.
A young woman lauded as being very smart and yet often writing very naive or stereotyped assertions in respect to men especially but also sexuality and relationships between men and women.
I see a young woman who writes of difficulties faced and of having an extremely hard time and yet the only concrete assertons alluding to this tend to show nothing more than and in many cases (to my humble opinion) less than what many of us are facing and getting on with.
I see an I2 member who is happy making blanket assertions overtly or subversively about things and yet when being called to back her claims will deny, discard, deflect or dismiss it.
I see a young woman who has a degree in Psychology and yet seems unwilling or unable to make use of these insights here to project coherent points across.
I see a young woman with a slew of "bad" (subjective) experiences with guys and is happy to project these experiences on men in general.

Mostly I see a young immature girl with a great need to be seen in a positive light in terms of knowledge, wisdom and respect, who battles a war against preconceived pervasive ideologies that she needs to protect against judgment to protect her fragile ego.

Superbitch? I really don't think this is a given at all. I think that there is a bit of growing up to be experienced by Elle and a bit of experience of life to be had before she will be able to be seen in such a light. At present she looks rather all over the place like a mad woman's shit.

Again I say to Elle that the assertion that I would have any reason to want to fuck her (yes biologically I am old enough to be her Dad and my girlfriend certainly old enough to be her Mother) is rather creepy and left field. Not to mention that the women I have always been drawn too are a lot older and one of the many reasons is that I like women to have a bit of an idea of who and what they are and not full of such obvious insecurities as you possess.

But then I never made a claim to the contrary. You did and you have not backed it.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 09:03:09 AM by Sir_Les_Patterson »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2049 on: April 03, 2011, 08:54:43 AM »
PMSElle is definitely a super bitch on here

But I do think she was just taking the piss with the whole "you want to fuck me" thing

I mean I reckon I have pribably said stuff like that myself on here before but I don't genuinely think anyone here wants to fuck me

That being said, I reckon most guys here DO wanna fuck her :P

also why are none of you women going Dunkin Donuts with ME ffs!!!!

Yeah, I get your light hearted approach. Except Soph, if you had emotionally supported a life sapping bitch for years online, you respect their privacy, then find out they swapped names and numbers with a person online...that they clearly don't care about and want to mislead. And on top of that, you got drawn in as a diversion from their shit, you'd be pretty pissed off also.

I was prepared to drop it and take Elle's comments offline as genuine, but when I saw that post edit she did to Les..which clearly indicated she thinks Les wants to fuck her, that's why he riles her up...I mean. She needs to get over herself.

Anyone who has been here for a while knows she has issues with men. Look at her sigs ffs. The fact she would not ever, ever, give a shit about me offline previously, until it became clear she was leading Trigger on, and wanted to keep it quiet is enough. THAT is in fact why she wanted to take it off the forum. Not because she cared about contacting me one on one.

Her whole mode of operation for the past few years has been to play high and mighty because she was stalked online without fear of retribution because of that fact...she can play the 'please don't attack me, I've been stalked online' bullshit.

And yep, I take what she and Trigger did pretty seriously, for no other reason that BOTH of them played me as a caring person about their problems behind the scenes for quite some time. I'd say more, but I'd breach my own principles about personal conversations. I think both of them deserve each other.

And to clarify Elle, I'm not calling you out because I want to fuck you. Call me crazy, but I really don't.

Goddess of Blue Balls? Right.

I have been stalked online too. By a number of people. In fact one is now. Were I able to teleport to Virginia right now I would be more effective in shaking that little turd loose. That said if anyone wants to come at me I am not that difficult to find and say bring it on.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 09:01:52 AM by Sir_Les_Patterson »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Adam

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2050 on: April 03, 2011, 09:15:03 AM »
Is that last bit of the Superbitch post aimed at me? About not backing my claims?

Why do so many of the older members on this site always focus so much on the age of whoever they're arguing with, if that person is young? Immaturity, fair enough. But age? Plenty of people your age are immature and juvenile too, and despite having less life experience, plenty of people in their 20s are very mature imo, more so than a lot of people in their 40s

Eclair, I don't fully understand what all the Trigger stuff is about, and it is obviously none of my business. So I can't really comment on that. But I definitely don't like that you feel you have been fucked over or treated badly, as I don't think you deserve that at all. But at the same time I don't wanna slag off Elle or Trigger as I don't know the situation properly and don't have all the facts, so it's not reallly my place to say. I definitely don't wanna be making light of your situation though and hope you  don't see it that way - it was just my own personal position when it comes to Elle. On the forum I actually like you both. Elsewhere (PMs, on my site etc) I would view you as a friend and wouldn't want you thinking I don't give a shit that you've been hurt by people on here or anything. I don't take that lighht hearted at all. I just don't feel like I have a right to pass judgment on Elle or Trigger without knowing exactly what's happened. You know what I mean?
I don't in any way think you're wrong for taking it seriously or anything thoughh, I just don't wanna be a hypocrite and get involved in something that's probably none of my business. Soprry if i'm not explaining myself very well, I'm shit with all this kinda stuff


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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2051 on: April 03, 2011, 09:35:10 AM »
I think the whole Superbitch post was directed at Elle, not you Soph.

Offline Eclair

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2052 on: April 03, 2011, 09:48:15 AM »
Is that last bit of the Superbitch post aimed at me? About not backing my claims?

Why do so many of the older members on this site always focus so much on the age of whoever they're arguing with, if that person is young? Immaturity, fair enough. But age? Plenty of people your age are immature and juvenile too, and despite having less life experience, plenty of people in their 20s are very mature imo, more so than a lot of people in their 40s

Eclair, I don't fully understand what all the Trigger stuff is about, and it is obviously none of my business. So I can't really comment on that. But I definitely don't like that you feel you have been fucked over or treated badly, as I don't think you deserve that at all. But at the same time I don't wanna slag off Elle or Trigger as I don't know the situation properly and don't have all the facts, so it's not reallly my place to say. I definitely don't wanna be making light of your situation though and hope you  don't see it that way - it was just my own personal position when it comes to Elle. On the forum I actually like you both. Elsewhere (PMs, on my site etc) I would view you as a friend and wouldn't want you thinking I don't give a shit that you've been hurt by people on here or anything. I don't take that lighht hearted at all. I just don't feel like I have a right to pass judgment on Elle or Trigger without knowing exactly what's happened. You know what I mean?
I don't in any way think you're wrong for taking it seriously or anything thoughh, I just don't wanna be a hypocrite and get involved in something that's probably none of my business. Soprry if i'm not explaining myself very well, I'm shit with all this kinda stuff

Yeah, I get the 'oh, when I was your age you ignorant young person' approach. I hate/d it too.

However, I think the post of Elle's at Les came from nowhere...I don't know why she would think or even entertain the thought that if someone calls her out here, that suddenly means they must secretly want to have sex with her...I think that was more the point.

Secondly, yep, I have a lot more things to think of than here at the theory.

The truth is, I've invested a lot of time here over nearly 4 years, and no, I don't like being taken advantage of for caring for people. I've never betrayed a personal trust that I know of (could be selective memory, maybe I me out if so). The snowball effect of 'online entertainment' started with Scrap, who communicated it to Trigger, who had been more interested in hooking up with Elle than caring for a friend who had supported him through many things, as I had with Elle. Do you notice Trigger is just not around? Observe and watch. What you think is real, is somehow not at times.

And yes, I have a personal reason to follow this up. But as I said, I cannot betray a personal trust. The people who know what lengths I've gone to care for them, know they are cunts.

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2053 on: April 03, 2011, 11:32:48 AM »
PMSElle is definitely a super bitch on here

But I do think she was just taking the piss with the whole "you want to fuck me" thing

I mean I reckon I have pribably said stuff like that myself on here before but I don't genuinely think anyone here wants to fuck me

That being said, I reckon most guys here DO wanna fuck her :P

also why are none of you women going Dunkin Donuts with ME ffs!!!!

Yeah, I get your light hearted approach. Except Soph, if you had emotionally supported a life sapping bitch for years online, you respect their privacy, then find out they swapped names and numbers with a person online...that they clearly don't care about and want to mislead. And on top of that, you got drawn in as a diversion from their shit, you'd be pretty pissed off also.

I was prepared to drop it and take Elle's comments offline as genuine, but when I saw that post edit she did to Les..which clearly indicated she thinks Les wants to fuck her, that's why he riles her up...I mean. She needs to get over herself.

Anyone who has been here for a while knows she has issues with men. Look at her sigs ffs. The fact she would not ever, ever, give a shit about me offline previously, until it became clear she was leading Trigger on, and wanted to keep it quiet is enough. THAT is in fact why she wanted to take it off the forum. Not because she cared about contacting me one on one.

Her whole mode of operation for the past few years has been to play high and mighty because she was stalked online without fear of retribution because of that fact...she can play the 'please don't attack me, I've been stalked online' bullshit.

And yep, I take what she and Trigger did pretty seriously, for no other reason that BOTH of them played me as a caring person about their problems behind the scenes for quite some time. I'd say more, but I'd breach my own principles about personal conversations. I think both of them deserve each other.

And to clarify Elle, I'm not calling you out because I want to fuck you. Call me crazy, but I really don't.
Can I ask, then, Eclair:  Would you prefer I address this new attack of yours privately, or publically?  I'm willing to do either.  I understand you have your own shit going on, but I know you know that I do as well, and I don't espeically appreciate how vicious you are being.

Is that last bit of the Superbitch post aimed at me? About not backing my claims?

Why do so many of the older members on this site always focus so much on the age of whoever they're arguing with, if that person is young? Immaturity, fair enough. But age? Plenty of people your age are immature and juvenile too, and despite having less life experience, plenty of people in their 20s are very mature imo, more so than a lot of people in their 40s

Eclair, I don't fully understand what all the Trigger stuff is about, and it is obviously none of my business. So I can't really comment on that. But I definitely don't like that you feel you have been fucked over or treated badly, as I don't think you deserve that at all. But at the same time I don't wanna slag off Elle or Trigger as I don't know the situation properly and don't have all the facts, so it's not reallly my place to say. I definitely don't wanna be making light of your situation though and hope you  don't see it that way - it was just my own personal position when it comes to Elle. On the forum I actually like you both. Elsewhere (PMs, on my site etc) I would view you as a friend and wouldn't want you thinking I don't give a shit that you've been hurt by people on here or anything. I don't take that lighht hearted at all. I just don't feel like I have a right to pass judgment on Elle or Trigger without knowing exactly what's happened. You know what I mean?
I don't in any way think you're wrong for taking it seriously or anything thoughh, I just don't wanna be a hypocrite and get involved in something that's probably none of my business. Soprry if i'm not explaining myself very well, I'm shit with all this kinda stuff
Don't worry Soph, you don't need to take sides.  :P
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

Offline El

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Re: Interrogate PMS Elle!
« Reply #2054 on: April 03, 2011, 11:35:21 AM »
Whilst this Trigger/Elle/Scrap thing is not something I know anything about and therefore can not comment on, I will say that I certainly agree with what Eclair has said about you not backing yourself.
You said I wanted to fuck you and then when challenged, deflect and try to joke around it. No, time is now Elle to start backing your bullshit.
You are in I2 and you have been here for a while. You know better.
Yes that does mean that I am waiting for you to stop deflecting and address why you wrote what you did in my signature.
Les, what the hell is it that you want me to say or do?  Right now it feels like I'm being followed around by a little who's yelling "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!  YOU TAKE THAT BACK!"

I'm actually *not* obligated to answer to you, and I don't owe you anything.  You seem to be struggling with this.
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.