yes. i am safe. lol.
i read your last reply with great interest. it seems to me that i am NOT a girl on a message board on the internet. and i don't understand the pressures, real or imagined, that you get.
i would agree that men do, in large part, look at women as sex objects. and, you have every right to object to being treated like this. but it won't change anything. men are horny bastards. i would have thought that now, at your age, that you would have learned to deal with or ignore this.
*nod* Bolded is sorta what I said I thought you'd say. Like I said, I'm not gonna go cry in a corner because benji doesn't respect me as a person. Getting snippy with him for objectifying me won't change him, but it's an honest reaction. Besides, women get pissed at men sometimes, you know. I would have thought that now, at your age, you would have learned to deal with it or ignore it.