I feel so used.
I promise I'll still love you in the morning, I won't cum in your mouth and the check is in the mail!

*snort* Please. Like I'd have a one-night stand with soemone who claimed to love me. If I was screwing someone I'd barely met and they said they loved me I'd kick them out of bed.
Hey, I'm just being the sterotypical male horndog!
Promising a lot, but, delivering a little. 
I'd kick one of those out of bed, too.

What if they were just saying it in a callous and dishonest attempt to get in your panties?
I've had girls who I was fucking ask me if I loved them, and they were relieved when I told them I didn't. It seemed kind of weird that they'd ask me that when I barely knew them.
Just as bad (men who do that are, in my opinion, fucking
douchebags- desperation ain't an excuse), and besides which, they would have no need to- all I care about is a clean bill of health, and (really mostly to that end) monogamy to me while I'm sexually active with the person. I'll provide the same. If I'm dating someone, I want to fuck them; else I would not consider it dating. Just friendship.