Meh, I stopped being worried or freaked about it long ago. I grew up in an atmosphere of "do it and you'll be a man", "It's normal for boys to get laid" or some other sexist crap that was prevalent then. Girls who had sex in their teens were considered "sluts", while guys who did have sex were considered "men", clapped on the back and congratulated, unless they got the girl preggers and then it was a "shotgun" marriage in the local catholic church. Everyone of which ended in divorce sooner or later. Or if they didn't get married, the girl went to live with "Her aunt in Indiana" and was out of sight for a year. (I'm not making that up.) Then she came back with kid like nothing happened and then there was the shotgun marriage. 
It hasn't changed all that much nowadays.

(Except that I have heard the specific term "slut" being used much more semantically specifically to refer to indiscriminately sleeping with a large number of partners, so we're much more educated here in 2008. We know that girls who put out, but not for everyone, aren't
sluts. Just immoral, dirty sleazebags. Also, teases.
