People say that you can judge a person's personality by what books they have collected over the years. So, what kind of music do you listen to?
Ha! nice discrepancy. I listen to a variety of stuff. My signature should display some of my recent listens/link to a listing of some of the music I've been listening to over the past year or so.
That's rather exact. Did you keep a running tally?
Lol, no. I came up with that number by calculating days from the first date to the breakup; I was going for some black humor there but it was probably too subtle to be detected over the 'net.
are you afraid that you will never find anybody else?
And in case that was too subtle, I'll say outright: Of
course not! I'm only 21 years old!!! Unless I get hit by a truck or something, the odds against my never being in a relationship again are kind of astronomical.