I would gladly swap weather with you. Here it is too hot to go out, especially if the destination doesn't have air conditioning. Blech, it passes me off. I swear I have summer SAD.
It's rare, but it does exist.
Yeah a friend told me about it some time ago. Every year I dread summer weather, it is just so uncomfortable and hard to stay cool. I could go on, heh.
Come here. We're still having January (bad-winter) in March.
Where are you located? I forget.
New England. So, the weather's going to be a fickle bitch as a given, but this winter it's been a fickle bitch who forget to take her meds, skipped her estrogen and can't find any chocolate.
It snows there?
Today is actually cool here. It is supposed to rain but of course it hasn't.
Here? Jesus, yes, we've been stuck on winter since fall and it's spring. January we had a disruptive storm in the middle of every week.