So, today's lessons seem to be as follows:
Sir_Les has some kind of issue with me that he wants me to respond to, is angry that I'm refusing to respond to it, but also refuses to tell me what kind of response would be acceptable.
Same goes for Eclair.
And, Krispy Kreme is better than dunkin donuts according to the members of I2.
As I said in response to the earlier anal sex discussions,
/somehow manages to conceal her immense gratitude for the edification 
Elle you do not do anything but deflect, and I am not telling you to "take it back take it back". You are being silly and irrelevant again. You are deflecting.
I am saying you need to back your bullshit.
You don't, and I call you on it. More and more members are seeing exactly the same shit as I am so perhaps it is not silly old Les here. Nor emotional Eclair. Nor Curmudgeon PPK.
You do have some very real issues with guys and do interject this bullshit into post after post on here. No it is not imaginary. Yes others notice it. Yes much of what you say is disguised in humour and some of it as the thread that PPK pointed out, simply isn't.
Rather than yet deflecting again and trying to ply at being the announcer/ringmaster here, how about acknowledging that you are not in such a position, you are merely a bad circus act and the crowd you are addressing are wanting their monies worth. We need you to back what you say.
It doesn't require much of a sleuth here to discern what you are answering to but let's pretend that you are too stupid to read what is said and interpret it (not that I think that you are, I think you are smart enough but that it serves you and your ego to deflect and not back what you have to say)
Eclair says that after 4 years and much support and giving of personal information that it was all one way traffic and that you were free to give such info to Trigger but not her. She says that your reasons not to were privacy related due to stalking a incident, but that you felt that you would be a little selective and warranted such info to Trigger and not her and she feels that it is insulting. That is what I and probably most would say and I think it is a reasonable call. Your call obviously. You can tell anyone anything you like but I would say she has every right to feel like you simply shat on her.
Me? I say you have a problem with guys and not only is it thinly disguised but that you take every opportunity to reinterate these stupid immature and bigoted stances towards guys over the board again and again and when you make these juvenile assertions whether in humour or overtly that you are giving a backhander to every guy including the guys here.
When I pick you up on this (and I will and do) you deflect again and try to deflect it back at me and this latest effort of me supposedly wanting to fuck you, is again something that you need to back. Moreso too because asserting this is not only creepy and a shot at my values but also a shot at my partner (who would be choosing to be with a man apparently wanting to lust after a young immature little bigot - you) That is right. YOu insult me AND Hyke.
So explain to the "Ladies and Gentlemen" why you are a man hating bigot. Explain too why you see fit to denounce men and their place in society and relationships and their ability to be good partners. Explain why on Earth you believe that I would want to fuck you and be very clear as to why. Explain why you seek to insult Hyke. Explain whether you truly believe your claim that you are not backing has any validity or whether I would not even fuck you with Scrap's dick.
You won't. Yuo will try to dance around this too and say that I am making a fuss or that Eclair is just emotional or you don't understand or that things are tough for you or you will laugh it off or try to find anything else to do rather than back your claims. But the claims are here and pretty fucking clear.
There is one rule at Intensitysquared back your claims.