So how is everything with you lately?
juuuust super. 
Of course you are, you mean hearted, fucked up manipulating Bitch.
I actually thought my efforts privately to speak to you about your Mother's abandonment were genuine....little did I know, that you were a back stabbing psychotic little bitch...who manipulated the situation with Trigger to stab me in the back, whilst I tried to help you privately along with Scrap's antics.
From what I can see, I'm sorry that the lack of your Mothers love somehow gives you the entitlement to shit on others who reach out to you genuinely.
I'm sorry that the 'poor me' posts are so predominant now in you that that is now the card you will play.
I'm sorry that you betrayed me, for the attention of a man here.
And most of all, I'm sorry that somehow, like Scrap, you will justify your hurtful, backstabbing behaviour and manipulate it into something against me, who contacted you out of concern.
Pass on my regards to Trigger and his attempts to have a go at me in the forum, ie; the sexual Q and A thread will reveal that a little more.
I think all 3 of you, Scrap, Trigger and yourself, have little knowledge or respect for true friendship or care, and believe me, after 4 years of the shit here, I am pretty well entitled to call out scumbag, pity sucking cunts. All 3 of you.
Uh.... whaaaaaaat?
I honestly don't know what you're talking about. I was very grateful when you reached out. I don't know how on earth Scrap plays into any of this. As for Trigger, I didn't end up seeing him because it didn't work out logistcially but I wasn't exactly planning on plotting to kill you and/or jumping his bones/anything remotely sinister; I hung out with him once last year when he was in town and we shot the shit for an hour or so in a Dunkin Donuts. If it
had worked out I thought it would be nice to do the same thing again this year.
If you'd like to talk a bit more about this over PM- even just to explain what exactly I did, or what you think I did, or what you think I'm trying to do- by all means do so. If your beef was specifically with me I'd be fine with a public callout but as it is I'm not even sure whose dirty laundry is getting aired because I don't know what the heck
happened. As it is I'm not sure if I should be apologizing or clarifying a misunderstanding or what. I'm sorry that you're upset and you're hurt. I genuinely didn't mean to do or say anything hurtful to you, whatever it was that happened.