Sadly my library has no devoted room to use. Although it contains a goodly number of most interesting and esoteric reading material nevertheless. From antique y medical tomes from just 20 years or so after Robert Koch's first advancing his germ theory of disease where it was just beginning to gain currency and acceptanc back in the 1700s, to textbooks on clinical immunology through to the memoires of one of the greatest researchers into psychedelics with the first half of each of two books, being his autobiography and the second half, being his little black book of recipes, one book of the two being on psychedelic phenethylamine and amphetamine analogs, the other being on tryptamines and lysergamides. TIHKAL and PIHKAL (tryptamines/phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved respectively) by Alexander 'Sasha' Shulgin, through to books on computer security (or the compromising thereof, rather), right through to warhammer 40k novels.
My personal sanctuary isn't a library, there are books everywhere of course, but my special place is the lab. You know? the sort of place everyone wants in some form, that's THEIR'S, not anybody else's, but their own, for them to go when they want undisturbed me-time, and somewhere private where they won't be disturbed? and that only the most trusted and honoured guests would ever be allowed to set foot in.
Everybody has to have that special somewhere, no?
As for what I'm wearing, black soft cloth 'loafing around' sort of pants, Watching american dad; will go to bed soon. Other than that, just wearing the piercing in my lip, but that doesn't come out ever. Lazing around half naked, smoking a cigar.