I've tried to stop swearing but I cunt.
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14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?
They'll crash their car and set themselves on fire if you upset them!http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/6257194.stmMy sister was meant to be getting a flight home to Glasgow airport today and mum was just about to leave to pick her up when we heard the news, and now the flights have all been suspended.
Quote from: Peter on June 30, 2007, 10:32:18 AMThey'll crash their car and set themselves on fire if you upset them!http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/6257194.stmMy sister was meant to be getting a flight home to Glasgow airport today and mum was just about to leave to pick her up when we heard the news, and now the flights have all been suspended.You have to laugh at the ineptness. No virgins for them.
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23406846-details/Glasgow%20airport%20terror%20suspect%20%20dies/article.doThat's one of them dead now. I wonder if he'll qualify for a Darwin award.
Honestly, it's about fucking time. There's no way anyone could survive 3rd degree burns over 90% of the body; he was just wasting NHS resources by living this long...
At least he was polite enough not to attempt to strangle any of the nurses with his IV drip. Maybe we should be considerate in turn and not bury him with a pig carcass like we planned to.
Getting back to here and now, these have to be some of the most pathetic terror attacks ever - difficult to distinguish from minor accidents. For goodness' sake, a car is full of petrol anyway; and gas cylinders too often enough. People drive cylinders of gas around all the time. Now and again - oh my god! - they probably carry boxes of nails, bolts, tools or whatever in the same vehicle. (Aiee!)Sometimes these fiends crash their cars, and sometimes the vehicles burn out. It's one of the costs of living in the industrial world; if people couldn't get fuel - portable energy - easily enough to have accidents with it, most of us would still be dirt-poor, illiterate, shovelling muck for a living and dying like flies from disease - rather than dying very rarely in car crashes or gas explosions.This kind of event happens on the motorways almost every day, at least the petrol fires and often enough with the other hazards added. The roads get closed off as a result, sometimes for hours - just like the Haymarket did on Friday morning. It causes massive inconvenience to lots and lots of people.But the perimeter is manned by firemen and traffic cops, not bomb teams and terror-feds. And so this weekend a minor news story - one injured in bunt-out car / suicide attempt causes travel chaos - becomes a big international media frenzy, a "test of the new Prime Minister's mettle," if you please.It might be a test of ministerial mettle if thousands of British Muslims were burning cars every night, as has happened in France. But what we seem to have here is some foreigners burning just one car and failing to burn two more owing to almost unbelievable incompetence.The mindset of a man who's willing to set himself on fire to make a point - as one of the Glasgow terror-clowns seems to have done - but not to spend any effort at all on researching methods is a difficult one to understand. Even if these jokers were illiterate or had no internet access (seems unlikely, one of the suspects is apparently a doctor) they could have at least done a test. In my part of town, fun-loving teenagers burn out a car or two down by the canal every week or so: nobody would notice another one with some nails in it.