Yeah but You think I am a asshole though for whatever reason when I have not called You by any defamatory name.
Don't cry.
I am not crying.
You can admit it.
There is nothing to admit.
Yes there is, Admit that you confused a mythology book the Jews plagerized from the Summerians and Babylonians as being the 100% factual divine truth.
So what books are these?
The Old Testament, the book of Genisis especially. God creating the world in 6 days, garden of eden, noah's ark, are all stories the Summerians made up over 1,200 years before the first bibles were writen. Some of the stories were re-told in the epic of Gilgamesh and that's how the Jews (who were worshiping other gods at the time) came across these stories and borrowed them to create the "God of Abraham".