When I was a vegetarian for two (teenage, needless to say) years I used to dream vividly about hunting deer with crosbow and start to slaughter them with a big ass knife andeating the almost still beating heart.
The dreams stopepd when I strated eating meat again.
Wow...I've heard of vegetarians going back to meat because it's what their bodies needed, but your story is in a class by itelf!
Have you ever used a crossbow and a big hunting knife in real life, or did they just appear in your dreams? 
Only in my dreams.
But it's not too late yet 
Luckily for me, I look nothing like a deer! So happy hunting, I say! 
Oh, I guess I'll just start by...hm...aquiering a crossbow for one, then hiding in the woods shooting at dead objects.
Only thing is I'm not very fond of the outdoors.
Not when I'm sober at least...so I guess I'll have a bottle of vermouth before I head out.
This could be exciting...