I hated doing inventory at my first job when I was a teenager. Combined with dealing with people, I swore never to work in retail again.
Hmm...useless fact huh? ^That counts, doesn't it?
Hardly useless, but I think it counts, anyway.

Here's the thing. I have been "pegged." I am noted for being one of the most likely people, anal enough to sort out impossible discrepancies in the counts. There are six of us who have been so pegged and our team job was not counting, but "detailing" the high dollar items and finding out why the numbers don't match what was expected.
(You DO understand that that is even worse, right? Finding out exactly how and why someone else can't count and fulfilling the enormous expectation of delivering a more definable solution than, "He's a fucking idiot!!" can be considerably more tedious than the actual counting.)

I was sixteen and working with a bunch of other sixteen-year olds, mostly brainless, and really stupid redneck managers. I'm a math person, an analytical person, and a logical person. I completely understand how it can be dealing with others in such a regard. I would have rather been left alone for a few days in the store to do it all myself than rely on the incompetence of others.
... exactly, but it has to be done in twelve hours while the store is closed. It's a big store!!
You may notice I tend to post what I consider the ideal situation or the scenario if I lived in a Utopia.
I have, in fact, noticed that.
I often post as if my scars still itched, even though the pain is fairly well and deeply buried - marked so as to be not forgotten, however.
(OK, another biblical reference ... lol)
Hell, if I can show others where the stepping stones are, then it is less likely that I will be the only one who appears to walk on water. I would like it that way.