Author Topic: Post a useless fact  (Read 71237 times)

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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1110 on: March 31, 2009, 06:37:15 PM »
Calcium and magnesium are only healthy. There's pretty hard water in most of Sweden too. Ridiculous.

Wouldn't it depend on the exact concentration?

I mean a certain amount of NaCl (table salt) is healthy and necessary for life, but you would not want a significant concentration of NaCl in your drinking water.

It's unlikely that the concentration in limestone water could be harmful.


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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1111 on: March 31, 2009, 06:48:30 PM »
Calcium and magnesium are only healthy. There's pretty hard water in most of Sweden too. Ridiculous.


Salts, silly.

Do you understand what salts are? Neutralised/combined positive and negative elemental ions? I am not talking about carbon-bearing forms of those elements in compound, which we generally need in high quantities to survive. We call that food. If we could metabolise these types of salts, there would be no need to farm the planet or hunt for meat. We could just eat the soil. These salts of various ions are a hazard to health in the concentrations presented in many local water supplies.
Mine is one where they have difficulty keeping the concentrations below the national specification without the addition of several other harmful chemicals. In theory, the harmful chemicals (which are intended to create combined colloidal compounds from the near saturation level of salts and then are filtered or settle out to be dredged up and hauled away later) are actually being ingested, due to the high demand for water in most cities and the city's inability to keep up with the demand. People are drinking and cooking with water that has, not only a hazardous level of certain salts, but has had additional coagulating chemicals introduced, but too little time passes before the water is needed by the public. So the action expected of the coagulating chemicals has not occurred, yet. It will still occur, chemically, but it happens inside our bodies!
All you have to do to prove the presence of these chemicals in your tap water supply, is to make some ice and allow it to melt in a clear glass. If there are coagulating solid-like (often white-ish) speckles settling on the bottom, then your water has some bad shit in it. Don't drink it!

Read up, some. Go back and study biochemistry for a bit, then we'll talk.


I studied chemistry in high school, jerk. And your definition of salts is - of course - wrong. There are ions in many molecules that aren't salt molecules. A salt is a derivate of an acid; usually, but not always, a chemical compound of an acid and a metal.

I never heard of water being poisonous from calcium or magnesium salts. "Natural" calcium and magnesium salts are usually just healthy. When water is declared undrinkable in Europe, it's usually either because there are dangerous amounts of bacteria in it or chemicals from farming or industries. In Sweden the water is usually drinkable as it is from wells and even lakes and rivers; they just add a very small amount of chlorine in it to kill bacteria.


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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1112 on: March 31, 2009, 07:10:11 PM »
That fluoride that the authorities pour into the drinking water in the US is probably much more dangerous than any natural calcium and magnesium salt on the planet.

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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1113 on: March 31, 2009, 07:18:47 PM »
Parts of Ct have high concentrations(well by government standards) of Uranium
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1114 on: March 31, 2009, 07:23:19 PM »
That fluoride that the authorities pour into the drinking water in the US is probably much more dangerous than any natural calcium and magnesium salt on the planet.

Might want to look up what Greenpeace did to Peru in the early nineties before saying that.


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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1115 on: March 31, 2009, 07:34:26 PM »
Parts of Ct have high concentrations(well by government standards) of Uranium

We have radium in the rocks here, but I'm not afraid of drinking the water anyway.


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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1116 on: April 03, 2009, 04:29:56 AM »
We had a Slovakian spambot on DV yesterday. Today we have a Russian.  :borg:

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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1117 on: April 03, 2009, 01:32:28 PM »
Calcium and magnesium are only healthy. There's pretty hard water in most of Sweden too. Ridiculous.


Salts, silly.

Do you understand what salts are? Neutralised/combined positive and negative elemental ions? I am not talking about carbon-bearing forms of those elements in compound, which we generally need in high quantities to survive. We call that food. If we could metabolise these types of salts, there would be no need to farm the planet or hunt for meat. We could just eat the soil. These salts of various ions are a hazard to health in the concentrations presented in many local water supplies.
Mine is one where they have difficulty keeping the concentrations below the national specification without the addition of several other harmful chemicals. In theory, the harmful chemicals (which are intended to create combined colloidal compounds from the near saturation level of salts and then are filtered or settle out to be dredged up and hauled away later) are actually being ingested, due to the high demand for water in most cities and the city's inability to keep up with the demand. People are drinking and cooking with water that has, not only a hazardous level of certain salts, but has had additional coagulating chemicals introduced, but too little time passes before the water is needed by the public. So the action expected of the coagulating chemicals has not occurred, yet. It will still occur, chemically, but it happens inside our bodies!
All you have to do to prove the presence of these chemicals in your tap water supply, is to make some ice and allow it to melt in a clear glass. If there are coagulating solid-like (often white-ish) speckles settling on the bottom, then your water has some bad shit in it. Don't drink it!

Read up, some. Go back and study biochemistry for a bit, then we'll talk.


I studied chemistry in high school, jerk. And your definition of salts is - of course - wrong. There are ions in many molecules that aren't salt molecules. A salt is a derivate of an acid; usually, but not always, a chemical compound of an acid and a metal.

I never heard of water being poisonous from calcium or magnesium salts. "Natural" calcium and magnesium salts are usually just healthy. When water is declared undrinkable in Europe, it's usually either because there are dangerous amounts of bacteria in it or chemicals from farming or industries. In Sweden the water is usually drinkable as it is from wells and even lakes and rivers; they just add a very small amount of chlorine in it to kill bacteria.

Interesting, really (and we are all very impressed - I mean we really are!), but the only difference in what you psoted (yeah, that's what you do, isn't it?) and what I posted is that you chose to make a point of the "mechanical" process which creates various salts, while I chose to point out the relevant point, supporting my use of the term "toxic" (the usage of which obviously was meant to be incendiary) as it applies to BIO-chemistry.

Did you notice that I did NOT mention hydrogen potential, as you did. It is hardly part of the danger, since most of those carbon-bearing, ion-rich compounds we eat can present from both sides of the hydrogen potential scale and hardly present a problem. What I was trying to express, is that the salts which cause problems are "ELECTRICALLY" neutral. Let's find out what that means to a biological process, then move one, please.

Electrical (positive/negative) neutrality in a molecule implies that the molecules are NOT repelled or attracted to each other in a powerful way. They can "float right next to each other" in the fullness of any biological process.  However, the fact that these particular types of salt molecules are neutral in potential of "electrical charge"  means that (since they are, as I stated, made up of  neutralised combinations of opposing ions) they also sport a bipolar (duality) "mechanical" configuration and, when the geometry is just right, these molecules will attract end to end - remember they are bipolar. They will make little chains/groups where one negative pole attracts another (neutralised, electrically, which allows them to be "close together" (remember?)   as the bio process continues) positive pole. It is this property that becomes dangerous to us if the concentration of these salts is high in our bodies. Little chains of neutralised ions create BIG groups of (OK, some metals if you must) non-metabolizible salts. This is where kidney stones come from, DUH!!

I am saddened that I had to spell this out so elementarily for you to understand why I supply my cat with purified water, but you DID seem to need more information to grasp why my cat is special.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2009, 01:45:35 PM by DirtDawg »
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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1118 on: April 03, 2009, 01:48:52 PM »

Sorry, Callaway, I had to get to his level of understanding to make this point. (doubt that i made it, but I tried)

I am sure that you could have explained it using "proper" terms and made him understand more fully, but I was referring to my cat's water.

Honestly, I would NOT allow my cat to drink after him, but that is a longer explanation.
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Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1119 on: April 03, 2009, 04:07:36 PM »
Salts form crystals, yes. You still don't get kidney stone from the water you drink.


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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1120 on: April 03, 2009, 04:28:55 PM »
I actually checked Wikipedia, and it says that fluoridation of the water, like in the US, is a potential risk for the forming of kidney stones. Calcium is probably not, except calcium oxalate. There's rarely calcium oxalate in drinking water.

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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1121 on: April 03, 2009, 04:34:45 PM »

... and I doubt seriously that you have seen the same analysis of our water supply that I have.

You need to stop, because I am as smart as you are and, aside from that, I know more.


Kidding, of course. I don't know how my shit tastes.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.


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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1122 on: April 03, 2009, 04:38:45 PM »
Limestone=calcium carbonate. Carbonates don't form kidney stones.

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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1123 on: April 03, 2009, 04:55:49 PM »

My HT system was so loud that I did not here the phone ring or the first few knocks on the door.

Kids are outside (in view out the window) and the neighbor kid's mom came by to get her kid.


(I was playing Ravi Shankar, loud enough to shake the sidewalk outside, by her definition - cool, considering there are no low notes in a sitar. Lol)
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.


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Re: Post a useless fact
« Reply #1124 on: April 03, 2009, 06:04:33 PM »
Latvian spam bot on DV. Soon we have had all of Eastern Europe there.  ::)