I currently weigh 65kg.
HOLY (fucking) SHIT!!
(that seems to be the expression de jour)
I have you by almost half - thirty kg. Right now, I'm ninety five and a quarter kilograms. Last summer I was swimming, kicking the bag a lot, almost running during my morning constitutionals, lifting many heavy things at work, eating mostly fresh vegetables and fruits - I was down below my "fighting weight" from my teen years at 84.8 kilograms (My wife took pics, but I don't think i will post them, even though I have considered the bragging rights available to me from cultivating a decent set of abs, being so "old," disgusting and all). I had not felt so healthy in some time!! Putting twenty five pounds (actually over ten kg

) back on during the falll and winter has showed me some thing about how weak I have become to the expectations of food - even though it has not helped, but hurt me, instead. SAD is a bitch, for real.
When I was in high school (at eighteen), I boxed on teh school team, but I had trouble keeping my weight below the "Heavy Weight" category. I was usually a pound or two over the break point, when match time came. That always made me the lightest "Heavy Weight" to compete. I won a few matches, but I would have done much better in the lighter weight category. I was fast and no one ever hit me, not even once, in a match, so my wins were technical, but not KOs. It was points based and I scored more points by landing clean blows, even though the guys were so much bigger than I was that i could barely hurt them. I could not hurt most of them, except to slow them down even more than they already were which allowed me to place my punches even more precisely and keep them from breathing.
The only way to beat a guy who is faster than you is to keep moving, block him effectively and dance around, not letting him take away your breath with his best punches. Only problem is that when the faster guy has more stamina, you will still run out of breath and slow down even more as he begins to plant even better punches into your vast midsection. I enjoyed the chaos of the boxing ring almost as much as I did the deliberateness of baseball.
I promise this time, though, if I get back to my fighting weight this summer, I will post a pic.
It's really fucked up that i have let myself go so badly in the past few months.