When I was a vegetarian for two (teenage, needless to say) years I used to dream vividly about hunting deer with crosbow and start to slaughter them with a big ass knife andeating the almost still beating heart.
The dreams stopepd when I strated eating meat again.
Now I know what sign to wait for. 
When did you last eat meat, hyke? 
Bit after I left the parental house, so, I guess at 19.
From around 6 till then I had only eaten the bare minimum of meat.
Change of butchers at age 6 completely put me off.
I did love homegrown chicken though. That taste hadn't changed of course.
And, I have to say, a real chicken still smells delicious when being prepared. The watery fast grown ones make me almost sick when I smell them being cooked.
That smell is soo different.
I do still eat fish, and want to keep that up. My digestive system is not that well adjusted to meat anymore. That's what made me stop eating meat completely around 19. I got sick every time I ate meat. Don't want that to happen with fish too.
I have tried to learn my kids to eat meat, and fish, but, they have become very strict vegetarians.