The term is Dick-head, Happeh.
This is why you don't want blood transfusions. Everyone already knows you can get AIDS from blood transfusion. The French government knowingingly gave people AIDS with bad blood. What did they say? "Ooops! Sorry!"
I think you can also get hepatitis from blood transfusion. Now they are saying you can get Mad Cow disease from a blood transfusion.
"Reported in 2004, elderly patients were the second probable case of blood-borne vCJD transmitted between humans. The first was identified months earlier, in December 2003, in a 62-year-old man who died of vCJD six years after a blood transfusion. This man's blood donor had been an apparently healthy young man who died of vCJD three years after the donation."
This story also illustrates another of my themes. How the government lies to you all the time. This story is about Britain. But it is in an Australian newspaper. Your government would let you get Mad Cow just so the beef guys can keep making money. Just look at how the French let those people get AIDS so whoever it was could keep making money.