I can sue Texaco for tripping over their gas hose because I was too lazy top go around my dad's jeep.
I can sue OHSU for my diagnoses. Wait maybe my former psychiatrist for even diagnosing me with AS.
I can sue my old shrink too for even saying I had it in the first place.
I can sue my old elementary school for me being bullied there.
I can sue the storeowner of the second hand store back in Montana for even having me falsely arrested.
I can sue the owner of the Benny & Joon house for not having up the art stuio that was added to their home.
I can sue the owners of Fergusons for changing their whole looks of their café. Now it looks different from Benny & Joon
I can sue Joely Richardson for looking like she was wearing a diaper in 101 Dalmatians and it really confused me when I was 11 and 12 and caused me problems.
I can sue my old school counselor or seeing me as a label instead of me
I can sue my high school because my special ed. teachers were too over protective and under estimated me
I can sue the city of Portland for tearing down old buildings. STOP THE CHANGE
I can sue Spokane for copying Portland in a good way
I can sue the owner of Benny's Car Clinic for changing the name to Benny's Automotive service.
I can sue the diaper companies for improving the adult diapers but instead they have made them worse
I can sue my old chior teacher for mistreating my brother and holding things against him
I can sue my aunt for letting her dog torture me with her barking and not doing anything about it.
I can sue my parents for not having tubes put in my ears soon enough
I can sue Spokane (once again) for tearing down the expo exhibits after the fair ended