No he can read.
This is very important, so you read. The mood enhancement from self actualization is greater than any med could provide. Meds should not completely fix you, its up to you to do the rest. You don't do your best or you will suffer and I will suffer, as I have to feel sorry for you. If you don't, you will never know what true power is, or real happiness. Half assed don't cut it for shit. I am happier myself more now than any point in my life, more than when I was on meds over 10 years ago. I am glad I didn't listen to them, they are not always right. One supernatural dork, should be trying her best, as that is a logical way to enhance one's natural gifts. As I told Jessica, self actualization is the key to ultimate peace, find out who you are, and what you are capable of. Relax and let the positive mood guide you toward your path to nirvana.
* Randy loves you all.