So, I've been thinking about this a lot lately. How often are you actually happy. Happy with your life, about who you are, what you're doing... etc. There's a couple of times that I can remember being actually happy. The couple months surrounding my wedding. Friends, family, the honeymoon in a non-tourist fishing village, fucking great. Then there was the month I took backpacking around Europe. Completely on my own, overwhelming freedom, girls with accents. Also, the summer before my senior year in highschool. Me and my friends figured out a way to make nearly perfect fake IDs back when they first started using the credit card style, so we hung out at a pizza joint every night, eating, drinking and bullshitting. There was also the week my dad and I spent sailing down the coast of Florida. Sailing ten miles out at night was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. That's about it. Sure there's moments of fleeting happiness, but it never seems to stick around for very long. I guess it's too much to ask for to have it around too often, take it when you can, enjoy it while it lasts, etc.... I'm not bitching, just stating something. What has made you happy? Is this too touchy feely for I2?