i guess i walked right into that one.
i'll wait till you are feeling better and i will pay you back, my bitch!
Joking aside, I would have reacted the same way. Speaking of which, I did once when I was retailing at a charity shop back in '06.
tell us about it swee-pea guy.
I was behind the counter at the time, twiddling me thumbs. Then, all of a sudden, some family came in through the door and acted rather obnoxious. There was this young lad there, who was extremely rambunctious, acting like a complete prat by pushing the clothes rails around and taking the piss out of my appearance. I got my fat arse out of the chair and confronted the moron over his behaviour. I took his hands off the rails where he was leaning his whole body on them, and suddenly he pushed me. His mother started complaining about how he's disabled and how my conduct was inappropriate (this lady wouldn't know what etiquette is if it bit her in the arse, let alone knowing what it means and how it is spelled). Tough shit, you fucks, just because you come from an impoverished area in Bristol (Hartcliffe, Knowle-West) doesn't give you the right to push people like me around. And please spare me the disability excuse because I'm disabled by society, and I hardly act like a prat in public -- 'cept online.
