Seeing as I won't be online for quite some time, I better answer all outstanding questions!!!
how annoying do you find Beowulf, on a scale of one to infinity? 
Well my sexy angel?
, I have to say that I find Klytus/Beowolf one of the most stupid tossers in the universe!! Only joking!!!
. He's an alright guy so long as he doesn't start posting pro-Bush stuff!!
Haha! Thanks. You're an alright guy yourself. Don't worry, I don't think you'll be hearing any more pro-Bush stuff from me. To be honest, I know very little about what goes on in America anyway. I must admit certain things I was reading a while back made me question all the anti-war bias from the likes of the BBC. Sometimes wars are necessary, but it seems to me now that the Iraq war wasn't.
They say Bush and Blair have a lot in common, and Blair just sucks IMO.
Anyway, sorry for hijacking your thread! 
Q ... Do you have any pets?
What colour are your faeces?
Bright Purple!!?

Why didn't you answer McJagger's last question? 
As far as I know, I answered it, but I will have another look...
How many times have you enlarged and printed out Omega's avatar, rolled it into a tube and wanked with it?
I have no need to do that!! My hand is sufficient for stimulating my dick, and the picture onscreen is sufficient to stimulate my mind, which leads to you know what!!!
Hi Robert, Eamonn here. Have you actually worked out how to have a proper wank yet or do you just fondle yourself over the sniff of a woman (real or cartoon) and then wake up in the dead of the night having sprayed sticky white piss over the sheets? I ask this because McJagger reckons he can teach you how to 'pull' if you fly out to cali and meet him.
If you are referring to sex - no I have never had any sexual experiences with another person, but I do believe my method of masturbation or "wanking" as you put it, is correct!!

If you met a person who looked like you, acted like you, thought like you, and remembered everything you did(up to a point recently), what would you say to each other and what would you do?
Not sure what I would say, but I would be very alarmed, probably frightened!
OK, any more questions will not be answered until I get back online, possibly in a weeks time.