So, where do you sleep when you are there? In someone's home?
No. We hire a house. Just like self-catering in the UK. To be honest, I find that question offensive

I am perplexed as to how what I asked could possibly be interpreted as offensive, Robert.
Maybe you are still upset by the Happy Birthday thread, but if you stop to think, I really did you a huge favor in making you aware of the fact that you were being lied to by Emma and Ascan and had been for a long time. It was a difficult thing for me to do, but it needed doing. You were able to move on. If you had not, you would still be stuck being lied to by Emma and you would not have found C.
So, where do you sleep when you are there? In someone's home?
No. We hire a house. Just like self-catering in the UK. To be honest, I find that question offensive
I doubt she was trying to be offensive I just don't think she understood what self catering holidays are Robert- it might be a cultural thing.
When you go self-catering Callaway you generally get an apartment (or if you pay more a house) to stay in, but you have to provide your own food-rather than having your meals provided for you like you would in an hotel.
Thank you, Purposeful Insanity. I have never heard of "self catering" and when I tried looking it up in Wikipedia, I just got
Catering. In the US, when one goes on vacation and stays in a hotel, meals are seldom included except maybe breakfast, although one can eat in the hotel dining room or anywhere else. I guess if one stays at all-inclusive resorts, then meals are included.
If one stays at a bed and breakfast, then one stays in someone's home and usually only breakfast is included.

(For Purposeful Insanity and Calandale)
You would get a minus this time, if your karma were not frozen, Robert.
I have no idea how what I asked would imply any sort of infidelity.
This is my 6666th post!
Through me you pass into the city of woe:
Through me you pass into eternal pain:
Through me among the people lost for aye.
Justice the founder of my fabric mov'd:
To rear me was the task of power divine,
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love.
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure.
All hope abandon ye who enter here.
Such characters in colour dim I mark'd
Over a portal's lofty arch inscrib'd:
Whereat I thus: Master, these words import.Edited to remove C's first name.