Author Topic: Ask RobertN anything!!!  (Read 20429 times)

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Offline RobertN

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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #135 on: June 05, 2006, 06:01:04 AM »
And by the way, whoever is messing with my karma, give it a break. Like the fuck I care. I could be the most unpopular person on earth, but I still believe in my cause. I will still continue. In fact a lot of the arguements that PI, Dunc, and Peegay have come up with are based purely on their popularity and the fact that the "gang" might be on their side. The substance behind the arguement is weak and flimsy.

Offline RobertN

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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #136 on: June 05, 2006, 06:04:28 AM »
Can I just ask you why you're taking one comment so seriously?  I really am wondering about that.

And don't accuse me of trying to avoid questions again when I've already answered them and you've ignored almost everyone I've asked you on this thread.

I take it seriously because it was unprovoked. I get right-wing bastards calling me names all the time because they are prats but I just ignore it. I expected better from you.

So why haven't you taken issue with all the other members taking the piss?? Or is just because I was blunt about it?

And btw have undeleted the old journal so I don't have anyything to hide- I was just creeped out by you looking through it to be honest.

OK. Name me one other member that has taken the piss?


And even if they were, that doesn't give you the right to either.

Hello, pot kettle...  ::)

How am I expected to take you seriously? You are a right-winger, a Sean-lover. You would do anything to dig into me. You would clutch at the weakest straw if it was an opportunity to attack me.


1. Who the fuck is Sean? You think that everyone in the world knows about your misgivings with this Sean character. God, you are so self-centred; the world does not revolve around you and your fucking online dramas, bitch.

2. You can't label me when you don't know nothing of my polticical views, but I'll say this: dickhead, there are more than two ideologies out there, so don't think that I'm either a liberal or a conservative.

3. Go stab yourself up the ass with a steak knife, and spare me this emo bullshit.

Fine...have it the way you like it. Its just you mentioned both Teejay and Sean when you called me a hypocrite. So therefore, I can conclude that you are probably on their side even if you do not know them well.

No, you're again wrong.

I'm was pointing out that none of us is no better or no worse than each other, including you.

You can't claim at being a victim when you have victimised others yourself.

Yes I can. Sean is very popular within his circles and perfectly able to defend himself (or let his butt-monkeys defend him). Our arguements where based on politics and he had a reason for hating me. He hated me because my ideology was superior to his and he was well aware of it.

PI however attacked me for no reason, and I would have expected better from her.

This asshole is banned from this forum for two days by yours truly.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2006, 08:18:08 AM by peegai »


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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #137 on: June 05, 2006, 06:06:21 AM »
And by the way, whoever is messing with my karma, give it a break. Like the fuck I care. I could be the most unpopular person on earth, but I still believe in my cause. I will still continue. In fact a lot of the arguements that PI, Dunc, and Peegay have come up with are based purely on their popularity and the fact that the "gang" might be on their side. The substance behind the arguement is weak and flimsy.

...I don't recall ever being popular or rallied behind a gang here.

What have you got to back that up, then? Oooo, better not call me a right-winger -- I might lose sleep over it tonight. :(


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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #138 on: June 05, 2006, 06:28:37 AM »
I don't recall making any arguments in this thread as it goes, just advised you strongly to leave me out of your little squabble and not to question my integrity. How that relates to my perceived popularity I have no idea. Don't put any more words in my mouth.  ::)


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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #139 on: June 05, 2006, 06:31:52 AM »
I don't recall making any arguments in this thread as it goes, just advised you strongly to leave me out of your little squabble and not to question my integrity. How that relates to my perceived popularity I have no idea. Don't put any more words in my mouth.  ::)

Since you are supposedly popular, can I have your autograph?

Or better yet, can I lick your ass?


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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #140 on: June 05, 2006, 06:34:02 AM »
The queue starts over there. -------------------------->>



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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #141 on: June 05, 2006, 06:41:52 AM »
The queue starts over there. -------------------------->>


I find your real-life physique very adorable, for some bizarre reason.

I guess I'm finally coming out of the closet (blame it on excessive masturbation :P).

Offline RobertN

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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #142 on: June 05, 2006, 06:50:17 AM »
The queue starts over there. -------------------------->>


I find your real-life physique very adorable, for some bizarre reason.

I guess I'm finally coming out of the closet (blame it on excessive masturbation :P).

Peegai really is Peegay!!! ;D


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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #143 on: June 05, 2006, 06:50:39 AM »
PMSL... Just don't stalk me okay? I can't help being such a cock-magnet. That goes for you too fluorescent.


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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #144 on: June 05, 2006, 07:02:45 AM »
PMSL... Just don't stalk me okay? I can't help being such a cock-magnet. That goes for you too fluorescent.

Hint: Wear a chastity belt surrounding your mangina, or I'll come and hunt you down.

The queue starts over there. -------------------------->>


I find your real-life physique very adorable, for some bizarre reason.

I guess I'm finally coming out of the closet (blame it on excessive masturbation :P).

Peegai really is Peegay!!! ;D

Yeah, and you would be on my "least likely to fuck" list.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2006, 07:08:25 AM by peegai »

Offline McGiver

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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #145 on: June 05, 2006, 07:21:16 AM »
i will remind you that i also took that piss.  i attacked you before.
and you were livid with me.  and at the time when i attacked you i really didn't see the harm in what i was doing.
people with communication and/or social  problems have a difficult time seeing the same picture that others see.  i didn't realize that there was a history that you had already had, before i had attacked you.  i wasn't considerate of your particular biases and prejudices.  i also didn't even consider that perhaps you were having a hard week, when i kept attacking you.

But after some time had passed and i was removed from the heat of the situation, i had time to reflect back, on my actions.  And i came to realize that perhaps I was wrong because i was feeding on the sensitivities of someone who was vulnerable and that my actions had no consideration for your feelings.
yours and everybodies feelings deserve to be validated.

and you also remember that i came to you privately and apologized for my actions and you were wary at first.  But time allowed us both to see each other for what we really are; a couple of decent blokes.
i am real fortunate to have made that step to apologize to you.  otherwise i would have never recieved the chance to find out that your a good guy.  i am happy to call you a friend.

my question since this is the ask RobertN thread:

Do you think that PI has the right to speak freely?


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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #146 on: June 05, 2006, 08:06:47 AM »
That bitch is banned for two days. Let him cool off for a bit.

Anyone wanna fuck with me today?
« Last Edit: June 05, 2006, 08:08:41 AM by peegai »

Offline McGiver

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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #147 on: June 05, 2006, 08:20:40 AM »
you didn't really ban him did you?

wait, you meant PI.  but thats duncs wife.
and we don't ban people here.

Offline Peter

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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #148 on: June 05, 2006, 08:22:04 AM »
That bitch is banned for two days. Let him cool off for a bit.

Anyone wanna fuck with me today?

You're an admin now?  ???  Has the universe gone mad(der)?
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?


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Re: Ask RobertN anything!!!
« Reply #149 on: June 05, 2006, 08:22:48 AM »
That bitch is banned for two days. Let him cool off for a bit.

Anyone wanna fuck with me today?

You're an admin now?  ???  Has the universe gone mad(der)?

No, it simply revolves around moi for today.
