Are you banned from the chatroom?
I don't think so!! I just don't like chatrooms much. I prefer message boards.
Can you urinate further than you can spit?
Are you that good at urinating over long distances that your spitting technique is lacking power and accuracy?
Its a long time since I've tried, but I probably can urinate further than I can spit. Spitting seems more repulsive to me than urinating for some reason. Could be to do with the fact that chavs always spit on the ground for no reason!
Do you have a chat button towards the top of your page, next to the profile and log out buttons?
How do you REALLY feel about Americans?
Depends which ones. The "Blue State" ones tend to be OK, the "Red State" Republicans tend to be arseholes.
americans besides me, because i know you love me.
americans besides sean, because i know you loathe him.
we only live a few miles from each other, do you find that fascinating?
I love Sean. That why I have him as my avatar now!!
Yes, it is interesting. I gather you have never gone to visit him? If you do, just inform him that I will punch his brains out (what brain there is) when I see him.
will you use this emo on peigai?

I don't know what to do about Peegai. He is harmless really. I just want to let it all die down....