Start here > The Sophist Method
The Sophist Method
I was always under the impression that the Sophist Method, in modern times is considered a bad mothod of debate.
A helpfull list of Logical Fallacies
As the word is currently used, it isn't considered a
reasonable form of debate. But, by the original meaning,
it is very much exactly how one is taught to do so. Using
every tool available to win an argument, ranging from
some emotional appeals, to the logic itself, to some
really minute details, which seem to have nothing to
do with the argument at hand - rather just improving
one's appearance.
Woah Soph can mean a lot of words!
--- Quote from: Beatle Soul on March 29, 2008, 12:06:03 AM ---Woah Soph can mean a lot of words!
--- End quote ---
THIS thread has officially changed title.
More fitting to what this site is about anyhow.
Though, we do need another thread.
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