Twunt: Because sometimes twat and cunt just aren't enough.
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is that your request then?if so i'll handle it myself.i was hoping for a surprise, though.
Quote from: McJagger on May 05, 2006, 02:12:35 PMQuoteNo, me and Bert. Together. Forever.I love Bert, he loves me. We live in perfect harmony.aint gonna happen. not unless you plan on living well past 100 years of age.BTW-peagai, you get to select an avatar for me. one that i have to live with for one full week.send eamonn, omega, or dunc your request and i will live with it.i was TJ for a week, and you know what, a few days after my sentence i no longer feel guilty.outta site outta mind.I got an even better one: Every member here should have an avatar of my gay man, Ash.Ash 1: 2: 3:
QuoteNo, me and Bert. Together. Forever.I love Bert, he loves me. We live in perfect harmony.aint gonna happen. not unless you plan on living well past 100 years of age.BTW-peagai, you get to select an avatar for me. one that i have to live with for one full week.send eamonn, omega, or dunc your request and i will live with it.i was TJ for a week, and you know what, a few days after my sentence i no longer feel guilty.outta site outta mind.
No, me and Bert. Together. Forever.I love Bert, he loves me. We live in perfect harmony.