I mostly skim, unless the topic intrigues me, but there are a few that are almost always entertaining. PI is one I always read. I hate it when she feels bad or is too busy to postwhore, along with PMS Elle who is like a coin with too many sides to fall the same way twice. I also read Odeon, as his posts are generally short and directly into the "X-ring". Ozy is another one, because I am intrigued how he and I can be so incredibly different from one another, from two totally different realms and, yet, we have learned mostly the same life lessons in opposite ways. Anyone new gets a chance or three, as well. Dunc is one who pulls no punches and doesn't waste bandwidth with a windy wind-up, either. I find that McJ often has a similar mental block or projection as mine, but I'll be damned if I can find all his posts. Callaway gets my most under-appreciated nod, but I hang on her every word, even her tedious descriptions of trivial tedium intended to help noobs. There is also a slew of other vital, intelligent young women, like QC, Pyraxis, Milla and Renaeden who draw a primitive reptilean response from me, like, "Oooh, Shiny! What was that?"