The only person in my life to commit suicide that I can remember was a (not particularly close) friend who hung herself last year. I don't think that under any circumstances a person's decision to commit suicide should be validated, but once the decision is made, it's pretty ridiculous to dwell on the aspects that would be considered selfish, or to call that person a quitter or say that the world's better off without him/her, etc. To call suicide a selfish act is a cop-out because it undercuts the real issue that causes suicide; when people spend the energy that they use to categorize, mock, or avoid a suicidal person (going off what I noticed from the case I already mentioned) on first trying to offer company or support... It's the same thing as discouraging suicide on that basis that you "might survive" and be even more fucked up, why would you want to cut off that route with a negative statement?