What RPGs do you play?
When did you start?
None really. Maybe that has something to do with my social skills or lack of friends to play with...
When I was 15 I did have some friends to play with though. We usually played AD&D 1.st Ed.
Then of course there were nice computer RPGs like the Bard's Tale on the C64, Realms of Arkania for DOS or Fallout and Jagged Alliance for Windows.
I'd like to play Call of Cthulhu and a lot of others games but I'd need people to play with here where I live.
will you always finish every post by writing your name at the bottom of the page?
don't you think we get it by now, and aren't you just wasting your time doing it?
or, are you trying to piss me off? 
Huh? Oh, that... Just a habit I never got rid of.
Wasting my time doing it? Do I waste my time by checking my spelling?
Don't know. Maybe I should stop it... I'll give it some though...
BTW. I like your smiley collection, but you're missing one scratching its head in though. :-)
(Slightly pissing off the Admin of any forum seems to keep my mind mentally fit... ;-)

this thread is about fuck an A markie.
That's right. You guys do get off on minimal replies and loosing the topic a lot, don't you?

I'll admit some of those off topic short replies really are funny though.
Being that you lack basic human instinct
Who said that?
,you likely perceive it as backwards and uncivilized. T.O.M. is a bitch isn't it??
What's T.O.M.?
You must LOVE the massive herds of deer and elk thst starve to death every year due to lack of food. The buzzards sure love the feast. But that food isn't good enough for humans RIGHT.
Easy now... I take it you're a hunter yourself huh?
Or at least have enjoyed the PLEASURES of hunting and killing once or twice.
But let's cut the emotional stuff: Of course there is the problem of overpopulation in many animals, even if its not such a big problem as the human overpopulation. Now one can debate if and how humans should react to such overpopulations. Perhaps the problem is that we made the natural predators extinct which would control the number of deer and elk? Perhaps we should use some form of birth control on wild animals as well? It can be argued, that dieing by a gun shot (at least if its well hit) is more humane than starving to death, certainly. Those might all be justifications for killing wild animals. But they're not justifications for hunting. For the person actually doing the killing. While I can see how one can argue that killing excessive wild animals might be easier than catching them all and doing vasectomies on them for birth control, I cannot see how someone takes pleasure in the "sport" of killing animals, takes pleasure in shooting live mammals or other animals which have so much in common to us humans. They want to live, they feel pain, pleasure, anxiety, hunger, etc. How can it be fun to kill them without being sadistic?
You want meat?
O.K., sure, I can understand that. I'm not saying meat doesn't taste good. It does, our own evolution made us like meat. Evolution made every creature be an egoist first of all. That's like the basic circuit every living being needs to survive. Before all, be an egoist, everything else is secondary.
There's nothing really wrong with eating meat. If, let's say an animal died of a natural cause, I wouldn't have a problem with eating its meat if there are no health issues involved. The issue is killing just for meat. You talk about wildlife, but how about animals specifically bread only to be killed and eaten. How do you justify that?
It seems to me, you are projecting onto me what you fear from me:
That I would want to turn you against your will.
It seems to me like you are trying to make me approve of hunting and eating meat?
Or is this just what this seems like? Mind you, I didn't start this discussion on hunting / being veggie or not, etc. I just answered some questions.
Yes, your dog is geneticly defective. Take it out in the back yard and shoot it already.
How good are your genes?
Maybe I ought to take you out in the back yard and shoot you already?
But then, unlike my dog, you probably already have offspring. So I would probably have to get rid of your kids as well to eliminate your defective genes.
That's what PETA believes in. No wonder the smartest spokesperson they could find is Pam Anderson. 
I don't hold anyone in high regards who is not consistent or can't back up what he says with arguments. Animal protection organizations are certainly no exception here. Especially not if you like animals. Then its more important than otherwise that someone saying things about animals backs up what he says with consistent arguments and facts.
- oops, did it again... I'm working on it though!... ;-)