My behavior, at times, was atrocious and I am sincerly sorry. I was thinking about how I sounded last night in that pm I sent you which you may or may not have ignored. The statement "that you were wrong" was extra commentary and is almost like an I told you so, which is immature, but it was motivated by truama. However, I am annoyed, as I find your decision to ignore me may or may not be hypoctical.
I think your decision is partly an AS thing, and so like Alex Plank. You are both AS so there is no getting around that, but
you seem to have less issues. I am was never in anyway trying to be a self righteous mother fucker, and am open to other things
I don't cherrish the taking any pills for the rest of my life, especially unatural ones. You must understand I wish to see how my efforts to improve effect me. Its a scientific endevor and those intrest me. Its a learning experience, and it at least affords me reduced need for psychotropic medication. I owe you at least uninterrupted time to make your decision, as if I continue to press you it may make you come to unjust decision. I have seen enough where bad moods make a person do things that inappropiate as is it clouds ones point of view. Maybe that happened with you to, but as I said my main point here is I am sorry and am not a self righteous mother fucker. For what ever exact reason, it does seem to be working.

Oh much better, guess meditation does help doesn't it? Even during hypoglycemia, I can pay attention to how I feel and make some reparations.