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Someone started a thread about us at WP.

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--- Quote from: calandale on June 05, 2007, 05:45:25 PM ---I don't see the slippery slope
at all. They're different sites.
Yeah, there's some history,
but the hell with that.

--- End quote ---

The slippery part is how easy it can be to fall into a pity pact with some who you may identify with. I'm not putting you down, Calandale, only the failed concept that crying together is valid as a continuing therapy.

It's not like listening to blues. I dig the blues, but not because there's a blind, emaciated, aged, pitiful blackman, missing teeth, crying about his loveless life, making me feel like I have so much more on the ball. I enjoy the rhythyms, riffs, simple raw melodies and the soulfullness of it all. At WP, all you have is the crying, emaciation, blindness, missing teeth, and pitiful loveless lives. The soul is not there, with only a few possible exceptions. I'm harsh, but I was there for several months, read thousands of posts, but only a few were helpful to anyone.

My often mentioned reasoning: I can't afford the Kleenex bills.

Ah, I see that. I sometimes get a kick
out of it, but yeah it depresses the crap
out of me, at others.


--- Quote from: MarkingDawg on June 05, 2007, 06:03:05 PM ---My often mentioned reasoning: I can't afford the Kleenex bills.

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Natalia Evans:

--- Quote from: Lucifer on June 05, 2007, 02:45:05 PM ---woss it say?  i'm banned, and can't be fucked trying to remember one of my alter egos.

--- End quote ---

Why are you banned?


--- Quote from: Spokane Girl on June 05, 2007, 06:48:51 PM ---
--- Quote from: Lucifer on June 05, 2007, 02:45:05 PM ---woss it say?  i'm banned, and can't be fucked trying to remember one of my alter egos.

--- End quote ---

Why are you banned?

--- End quote ---

Alex read her Private Message to Jman, which started a big banning spree on WP over a year ago  She was one of the first to be banned, but she wasn't the last.


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