Start here > What is Intensity²?

Someone started a thread about us at WP.

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--- Quote from: calandale on June 05, 2007, 05:26:30 PM ---Yeah. Let's see if I get de-modded.

--- End quote ---

I don't want that to happen.  I went over there to post the correct link at the same time you did, but you were faster than I was.

Why don't you let me do it instead?

Nah. If he wants to do it,
let him. Consider it a test.
I suspect that he's above
that pettiness now.

I'm changing my mind.
I advised someone against placing
a link to a site with less explicit
pictures than we have here.
I'll be editing my post, so
as not to be a complete


--- Quote from: PMS Elle on June 05, 2007, 04:33:03 PM ---I wanna reply to the thread!!!!!
* PMS Elle falls to the floor, kicking and screaming
I shouldn't though.  I'm not banned, but I really shouldn't post there at all.  I see it being a slippery slope.

--- End quote ---

I feel exactly the same way. I have only posted there a few times, since I came here. I like this slope better.

I don't see the slippery slope
at all. They're different sites.
Yeah, there's some history,
but the hell with that.


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