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Someone started a thread about us at WP.

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don't get dunc wrong.  he is into prick, even loves prick.  just not his brand of prick!

It's not a very accurate description of us, though, is it?

I have put My two cents in the end. ;)


--- Quote from: calandale ---I enjoy it quite a bit.
Complete freedom of
expression. Yeah, people
take the piss out of one
another, now and then.
There's a lot of playful
banter too.

                  There's some pretty foul porn and such
                  posted there. But, all in the name of free
                  speech. Frankly, I find the people there,
                  in general, more able to give me the kick
                  in the butt that I need.

Again though - 18+. And you'd better have a bit of
self worth.
--- End quote ---

Yeah, pretty good.


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