i do laugh so when accused of being a lesbian. it's a bit clichéd, of course - okay, extremely clichéd - but it still makes me snortle.
I need a thread on how to avoid becoming
attached enough to consider having sex
with someone who is WRONG for me.
i know the feeling, calandale. the only thing i've come up with is to delay having sex until you know more about them. yeah, right - easier said than done.
Three months?
THREE MONTHS??!!! are you mad?? i was thinking more like three weeks, and that's pushing it. i feel faint...
It's not an issue of delay. It's an issue of
just not falling for a person. It just seems
so easy to fall for anyone I'm attracted to,
and with me, that means another damned
permanent thing.
The only thing you need to do to delay sex is to get married and have kids. It's really that simple.
I'd rather be flayed, and left to be eaten by red ants.