It makes me less interested in posting when I don't know who anyone is. All the name changes are putting me off coming here at all; I might as well pick a random site each week to post at, since I won't know who I'm replying to or who's replying to me either way.
Oh hell. We're talking THREE people,
at this point. All with a different
star color.
There can be no confusion
among those who are here.
Three people? Do you have difficulty with numbers? Here's a quick list of some people's current usernames and what they're more commonly known as.
Golden Mantella Froggy - Soph
Monkey frog - Calandale
The Mad Moon - Hale Bopp
Sputtleshines - Gallioace
Contra Warrior - Peaguy
Tyler's Tree frog - Milla
McAnusFairy - McJagger
Atelopus frog -
Disgruntled Carpet Cleaner -
Spin Wash -
Tony Harrison - Dunc
fuck the world - Richard
P=ghey -